Whats your opinion on sexing a large group


Well-Known Member
So I'm a new outdoor grower and I want about 40-50 females. Pick your jaw up off the desk man. Hey I have the room (100 acres) and the time. (plus serious motivation to pay for law school) so I got seed coming and am ordering more.

I am thinking I should have plants that are about 3-4 inches outsider by mid April when at my Latitude there will be about 13 hours of day light. I want to grow them in decent size pots until can determine the sex of each. Once sex is determined, Ill toss the males and put the females in 5-25 gallon buckets or trash bags. the reason I'm waiting to put the plants in buckets and bags is because I don't want to waste expensive soil and time digging holes for 40 50 worthless males.

As to how I am going to determine sex is the prob, I could take 80 clones and put them onto a flowering cycle, Or i could bag a branch of each plant. Thats all I got, What do you people think? any more suggestions, I just found some outdoor feminised seeds at cannabean and wish I had found them earlier but I have to work with what I got.


Well-Known Member
If your a new outdoor grower & you only have 100 acre's how far away is the nearest person who might smell these plants,a 50 plant grow in heavy bud can be smelled for long distances,that many plants will reek to hi hell.


Active Member
dont throw away your males....or to dont kill them all

use asparin in the water like you would normal nutrients and it messes the hormones about then breed the plants and you will get femmed seeds lad...no joke

thats how my mates dads been doing it for years

and with the males you kill make them in to compost
the plants love it


New Member
dont throw away your males....or to dont kill them all

use asparin in the water like you would normal nutrients and it messes the hormones about then breed the plants and you will get femmed seeds lad...no joke

thats how my mates dads been doing it for years

and with the males you kill make them in to compost
the plants love it
You can really do that?
crazy, is it like 100% that they wuld trun out Fem ?


Well-Known Member
Man, I don't mean to call BS on you, but I'm going to. Breeding feminized seeds is not that easy. It's possible, yes, but not nearly as easy and reliable as people like to make it sound. Most likely you'd end up with half females half hermies, which is no good.

As for your big grow, redking, use clones. You say you have the time and the space (does that mean indoor space too?), so use it. Get some lighting and stuff, start some moms NOW, then take 50 clones in April and put those outside. Much more reasonable and reliable. That fixes the sexing aspect and saves money on seeds, among other things.


Well-Known Member
thnks all for the advise, I dont want to produce seeds even if they are fem. I will however turn the males into compost. (hadnt thought about that. Also hadnt thought about getting moms and planting the cones out side, I always thought they would take to long to get big enough before I could take enough clones off of them but I will put some though into that.


Well-Known Member
you would need like 90-100 plants from seed to get a patch of 50 females. Outdoor plants (at least mine) don't show sex till the middle of july, some of mine took as long as late august early september. By that time they are already 5-8 feet tall. It would def save you alot of work to use clones. Thats 40-50 less five gallon containers


Well-Known Member
Im no expert with outdoors, but I would not use males as mulch or anything, the chance that pollen could survive for a year or more in the soil and get stirred up by animals or yourself while working with the plants is too big a risk in my opinion.

use clones, even if you have to spend time and effort to make them yourself.