Whats your opinion on immigration??


Well-Known Member
You have far too much time on your hands. I dont know how you manage to troll the shit out of literally every thread on this site. You act so high and mighty while you flip flop your opinions, but why are you always on the computer?
The average american spends 4-5 hours a day watching TV. What's wrong with doing something else for entertainment? At least here you get to use your brain.. I know I've learned a shit ton.


Well-Known Member
The average american spends 4-5 hours a day watching TV. What's wrong with doing something else for entertainment? At least here you get to use your brain.. I know I've learned a shit ton.
This guy goes beyond 4-5 hours. Hes on here when I wake up and when I go to sleep. He is literally on here all fucking day.


Well-Known Member
I clearly said the after-effects. Nice try.
What after-effects are you feeling?

I know I have experienced racism. Some dickhead white kid told me to "go back to mexico with my family" which weirded me out. Sine that day, I haven't felt comfortable telling people my race lol. That kid got a fist to the face btw.. That fucker.


Well-Known Member
This guy goes beyond 4-5 hours. Hes on here when I wake up and when I go to sleep. He is literally on here all fucking day.
So what? It's not like it hurts anybody. Maybe it's his hobby IDK.. I do know that it's irrelevant and doesn't matter though.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
My ancestors were brought here in shackles in the bottom of a ship from across the atlantic. They were beaten, killed, and forced to give up their languages, religions, and entire cultures. To this day our children are still feeling the after-effects of this.
well my ancesters were screwed more than your ancesters we were not taken from our land we had our land taken from us and were made illegal so you can go back we never left.so there lol:lol:


Well-Known Member
Who cares about ancestors? I'm sure when we were primates we didn't give a shit about imaginary lines that divide people and cultures.


Well-Known Member
You have far too much time on your hands. I dont know how you manage to troll the shit out of literally every thread on this site. You act so high and mighty while you flip flop your opinions, but why are you always on the computer?
like you should talk.

i'm just sitting here watching the golf. later on tonight, i'll be sitting around guarding the greenhouse. i don't really get to leave for long anymore.

Scrotie Mcboogerballs

Well-Known Member
I have a quick question, i'm not going to act like i'm educated a lot on this subject because honestly i'm not. One thing that I do find kind of aggravating is the fact that I know quite a few 'true americans' who will sit around bitching about illegals fucking up the economy all the time but have beach houses down in mexico that they spent american dollars on to be built and they visit regularly. It's like, how can you be pissed about them stealing our money and hopping across an invisible line to refuel their economy if we live such a double standard? If we are going to block them off, why are we allowed to go down there? . . . are we not just feeding into that exact same movement?


Well-Known Member
What after-effects are you feeling?

I know I have experienced racism. Some dickhead white kid told me to "go back to mexico with my family" which weirded me out. Sine that day, I haven't felt comfortable telling people my race lol. That kid got a fist to the face btw.. That fucker.
Yea see when you ask questions like these I can tell that your young as hell. Research it dude, thats another discussion worth another 300 posts.


Well-Known Member
I have a quick question, i'm not going to act like i'm educated a lot on this subject because honestly i'm not. One thing that I do find kind of aggravating is the fact that I know quite a few 'true americans' who will sit around bitching about illegals fucking up the economy all the time but have beach houses down in mexico that they spent american dollars on to be built and they visit regularly. It's like, how can you be pissed about them stealing our money and hopping across an invisible line to refuel their economy if we live such a double standard? If we are going to block them off, why are we allowed to go down there? . . . are we not just feeding into that exact same movement?
Re fueling their economy? Mexico hardly has an economy. Mexico is a place where ppl can get rich and live comfortably if they dont get caught doing whatever illegal shit they are doing. Mexico is probably the most corrupt place in the world. Thats why all of em wanna run over here.


Well-Known Member
aztec wich became mestizo after the spanish invaded. i am hispanic by blood and american by birth right.
Dude, no aztec ppl lived anywhere near modern day US. The aztecs were down by the Mexico city and the Yucatan peninsula. This did not used to be a place where mexican natives lived. CA, NM, AZ, TX were all inhabited by native americans, not aztecs. So no, nobody kicked you out of your land and made you illegal. If you want to talk about how the Spanish conquistadors fucked over the aztecs and mayas down in Mexico and central america thats an entirely different conversation.

H R Puff N Stuff

Well-Known Member
thats funny because my family recieved there citizenship 1848 in tx. but i guess people didnt travel back then i guess europeans are the only ones that can do that.
and he's an obvious sock puppet. we've done business before, no doubt, with his cowardly ass under a different user name.

what a pussy.
Dude i never used a different name on this site! I just don't like know it all's like yourself, and Im no where near a pussy! I just dont like you because you think you know everything...


Well-Known Member
Yea see when you ask questions like these I can tell that your young as hell. Research it dude, thats another discussion worth another 300 posts.
Good job.. Use my age against me while dodging the simple question..
Dude you can't call me out on ignorance when you didn't even know cannabis is a drug.