Whats wrong with my girls ... Look - Picture


Active Member
There 10days old Autos. I transplanted from jiffy cubes straight to FFOF / 30% perlite 2days ago. The light is 24inches away and I watered the jiffy really good / soil before I put it to rest .

There a little yellow and leafs are dry looking

Went from 70deg - 50 H/R


Temps 80 deg. 35-45 H/R

Because I turned on more lights in the room cause these got alot of sisters Hopefully , ill find out in another 10 more days .

What do you think the problem is . I dont have a PPM meter to read or PH since the $200 Hanna is a piece of shit aint reading anything and I re calibrated :evil:

Soil to hot just like everyone else says about FFOF is my guess , wish this damn meter worked



Well-Known Member
Maybe try a lil more water because they look dry when I ran mine at the start I'd water about 3 times a day lightely not heavy at all just to keep them a lil moist and it also looks like your streaching a lil bit and your first set of leaves usily go yelloow and fall off the reason I say water more is because the light is on alot and the soil is prob holding the temp more then your room


too hot, too dry, too small for 10 days, and if you recalibrate the hanna it works, and if not you need to read your ppm and ph,,..how often do you feed and what do you feed?


New Member
More water and/or a new transplant imo they arent happy in there home...the nute is not a problem.. I know some people might hate on me for saying this but this is what you get with shitty auto genetics - wimpy ass seedlings that dont do shit seems pretty common with auto seeds I have used.

Make them a new home keep the mix light in airy and water em in good - give some super thrive or other vitiman b supplement.

also you dont need to worry about PPM right now - you shouldnt even be giving them nutes. Water with distilled water or RO bottled water and add the superthrive to get the PH of it down, 1 capfull of superthrive in 1 gallon distilled/ro water should make the PH about 6.5 right where you want it.....


Active Member
More water and/or a new transplant imo they arent happy in there home...the nute is not a problem.. I know some people might hate on me for saying this but this is what you get with shitty auto genetics - wimpy ass seedlings that dont do shit seems pretty common with auto seeds I have used.

Make them a new home keep the mix light in airy and water em in good - give some super thrive or other vitiman b supplement.

also you dont need to worry about PPM right now - you shouldnt even be giving them nutes. Water with distilled water or RO bottled water and add the superthrive to get the PH of it down, 1 capfull of superthrive in 1 gallon distilled/ro water should make the PH about 6.5
right where you want it.....

All my other girls are doing GREAT .... when i mean girls i mean ALOT of girls ill post a pic


New Member
well just saying how I grow , I use superthrive for PH DOWN when I am using plain water (one capfull of superthrive makes distilled or RO water go to about 6.5 PH right where you want it)...I also use FFOF and it is not too hot for seedlings never have problems with burn, I don't even mix anything in the FFOF. The superthrive is good for transplanting and root growth...they will likely make it thru just transplant them...they need plenty of fresh air - your temps are fine.


Active Member
Sorry but my camera BLOWS .... I got my girls for Dopeseeds 100 himalaya blue diesel and 13 free plus 5 Mi5 and 2 Free Snowryders....

out of the 113 - 1 did not crack and 2 more im trying to get to grow. As for the others they all cracked. The HBD are sitting in 1.5gals and the others are in 3gal.

There are 20 in pic 1 that are in 1.5gal Green Thumb $1.50 40lbs Organic soil 30% perlite. Seems there ding the best

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Active Member
well just saying how I grow , I use superthrive for PH DOWN when I am using plain water (one capfull of superthrive makes distilled or RO water go to about 6.5 PH right where you want it)...I also use FFOF and it is not too hot for seedlings never have problems with burn, I don't even mix anything in the FFOF. The superthrive is good for transplanting and root growth...they will likely make it thru just transplant them...they need plenty of fresh air - your temps are fine.
Were can I get the superthrive from since i cant use my ph down correct. I cant just use some stream distilled water ?


Active Member
Were can I get the superthrive from since i cant use my ph down correct. I cant just use some stream distilled water ?

Well im going to return or something that 200 dollar hanna meter ppm,ph,temp cause it aint reading anything really think its broke


New Member
you can get superthrive at any store that has a garden section - walmart carrys it even, it is like 10$ for a big bottle that last a long time.


Active Member
Sweet , there we go .... ill get it tomorrow . You say get distilled water and put 1 cap. So like 1 m/l pretty much ??????


New Member
also yea distilled is good..you know you are working with a low ppm base that way and the PH will be between 7 and 8 typically so you can need to drop it about 1 or 1.5 ...If you go easy on your nutes it should put your water right at a good PH...using distilled or RO you might want to get cal/mag and use that every 3 or 4 feedings also...

So take your distilled water 1 gallon and add a capfull or two of superthrive for plain waterings and if your feeding just add a couple teaspons of the food and shake it up real good your PH should stay pretty good like that with fox farm ocean forest.

That is pretty much the method I use for water/feed my plants...I do check my ph occasionally and it is always good..at first I check everytime I made a mixture then when I realize it was always about 6.5 I just quit checking it so much lol