whats the law in uk??


Well-Known Member
ok....so i was wondering if anyone knew the laws on methods of getting busted in the uk??

i tried a google search for many things but couldnt come up with anythin...i thought it would be good info to have and share, so....if anyone knows what right the cops have to enter your home undersuspiscion then please reply!!

one thing that got me thinkin on this subject is what rights does a helicopter have to arouse suspiscion??..we all kno they have infa red sensors..but really, how can they decide to bust you based on a glow of heat coming from the attick? theres a number of things it could be so am i right in thinking that they couldnt bust u based on that??

everyones thoughts plz :)


Well-Known Member
well i read a news artical saying they busted some guy cuz he posted his plant on youtube he lived somewhere in the east midlands i think, they took the plant and gave him a warning but they only busted him cuz he put his adress on youtube(kinda stupid guy) - the cops dont need a warrent to look around your house if you say they can come in but they need one to do a full house search - and tbh there arn't really many (police) helicopters justr randomly circleing around here in the uk anyway

they mainly catch people from snitches telling em whats going down - JUST DONT TELL ANYONE :D

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
On the whole the police need a number of pieces of valid evidence before they can obtain a warrant. There are too many perfectly legal reasons for their suspicions for one single item to mean a grow house. For example, your electricity bill, a small portable heater or AC unit uses thousands of watts, yet we worry about whether a 1000w addition on their energy bill will be suspicious. Another is helicopters. They could find a huge hotspot on someone's roof, but again, this can be caused by a number of reasons not related to cannabis. You can buy lots of grow lights and soil and cart them straight past the police station, they could question you, but you are under no legal obligation to tell them what it's for, and if you say tomatoes, they cannot take it further than that without further proof.

Part of the reason behind this is section 8 of the human rights act (i think it's that one :P) gives us our right to a private life. Meaning they have to tick a lot of boxes before they know they can legally enter.

With regard to suspicion such as "i smell something" well i really don't know the law on this one tbh, but i have read of someone who had that happen and he turned around and requested that the scene was examined and it was foudn that there was no way the officer could have smelt the pot. That could be an old wives tale for all i know though, didn't really read into it.


Well-Known Member
Yeah the old bill have to have good solid evidence you are upto no good & have to get a warrant to enter your premises.. Most bust's here in the UK are from snouts or long term surveillance


Having quite a few unfortunate encounters with the law and every single time having done nothing, I know that they can do basically as they please, so even a little bit of suspicion and they can find a "reason" or I call it a excuse to get a warrant.

But to avoid getting busted I would suggest:

Do not tell anyone about your grow.
Be careful when taking stuff for your grow into your house.
Be vary of the smell, get something to eliminate it.
Do not draw any other unwanted attention to yourself or your house, no wild parties.
Try to keep everything cool, so the thermal cant see.

And apart from that, be a model citizen and no police wont bother you, unless your me. :D.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Could you explain this a little further TIP TOP?

Have you got any articles relating to this?

You are saying that it is not unlawful to grow and smoke MJ in the UK?

Please show me this piece of legislation.. I would love to learn more
It is basically all revolving around common law. I cannot explain easily, i've been reading for days and days now, sooo much data.

Basically an ACT is a STATUTE which is not a LAW. A statute/act is a contract, that must be signed and agreed on by both parties and there is a criteria that must be met Basically when you are born, ownership of the child is signed away to the government in place of a certifgicate of entitlement (basically saying that you do not own it but may use it) and as you get older, you'#re given a NI number. This NI number Means that you are an employee of the united kingdom, and the statues and acts that the government of the united kingdom (the governemnt is literally the executive officers of a corportation, the United Kingdom Corporation).

By law you may revoke your NI number, and become a freeman of the land. This means that syou promise to comply with common law which states that you must not harm, cause loss, or injuree someone, and this encompasses anything bad. If you break this, then you're nicked, but if you cause no harm, noone can do anything,

A policemans job is to uphold the (common) law, as is any servant of the people (governemnt rule and control the fictional entities the birth certificate creates, not the human-being, and because the government is in itself a fictional entity, they UST work withinside the framwork of common law, and cannot control human beings.

Basically EVERYTHING comes down to your choice of words and where they are placed.

It is bloody fascinating, been reading since i woke about 7 hours ago.

example of the power you hold that you don't know exists

Take it over. Dismiss everyone, and dismiss the case.

That’s the short answer.

You do NOT ask the Magistrates or Judge whether or not they are on their Oath. If it is a Court de facto (i.e. a Court WITHOUT a Jury), then they are NOT on their Oaths.

So you turn it into a Court de jure by putting them on their Oaths. And, since there is no Jury convened, no de jure proceedings can take place.

Thus there are 2 possibilities:

1) They will not accept acting under their Oaths. In which case they will probably walk out (recusing themselves). If they do, then you take control, and declare the proceedings dismissed.

2) They will accept acting under their Oaths, in which case they are sworn to PROTECT & SERVE YOU … and thus their only possibility is to dismiss the proceedings themselves. (This has not happened to the best of my knowledge).

You can envisage the following scenario (my responses in italics):

“Call the next case!”
“Uh … it’s Miss Veronica Chapman, your Worships. Is Miss Chapman here?”
“No, Miss Chapman is a ghost … a fiction … a legal fiction … so she can’t possibly be here, and you cannot possibly proceed against a ghost, can you?”
“And just who are you?”
“Who’s asking?”
“I’m asking”
“And who are you?”
“I’m the Clerk of the Court”
“And what is your role?”
“I’m here to provide legal advice to their Worships”
“And just who is providing LAWFUL advice to these people?”
“Ah … I am”
“Then why do they need legal advice, when you can provide lawful advice?”
“I … ahh … are you Miss Chapman?”
“Well, firstly I’m not fictional, as you can see, and secondly I didn’t miss anything, did I? However, it appears that I’m the only Member of the Public around here, so I out-rank you because you are all Public Servants. Therefore I’m taking over these proceedings to start with.”
(Turn to the Magistrates or Judge)
“Under God, so help me God. That was your Oath. I accept your Oath and I acknowledge it. And I hold you to that Oath, and now we have a binding contract. You are sworn to serve and protect me, and I appointed you to your office, in these affairs, to uphold all my indefeasible Rights, and to protect me from the criminal conversion of the civil statutes of the State of England. Are you prepared to do that, or to recuse yourselves?”

They’ll walk out., and I will call “Case dismissed”, and tell the Clerk to write that down, or I will sack her from her job.
(source: /www.fmotl.com)


Well-Known Member
It is basically all revolving around common law. I cannot explain easily, i've been reading for days and days now, sooo much data.

Basically an ACT is a STATUTE which is not a LAW. A statute/act is a contract, that must be signed and agreed on by both parties and there is a criteria that must be met Basically when you are born, ownership of the child is signed away to the government in place of a certifgicate of entitlement (basically saying that you do not own it but may use it) and as you get older, you'#re given a NI number. This NI number Means that you are an employee of the united kingdom, and the statues and acts that the government of the united kingdom (the governemnt is literally the executive officers of a corportation, the United Kingdom Corporation).

By law you may revoke your NI number, and become a freeman of the land. This means that syou promise to comply with common law which states that you must not harm, cause loss, or injuree someone, and this encompasses anything bad. If you break this, then you're nicked, but if you cause no harm, noone can do anything,

A policemans job is to uphold the (common) law, as is any servant of the people (governemnt rule and control the fictional entities the birth certificate creates, not the human-being, and because the government is in itself a fictional entity, they UST work withinside the framwork of common law, and cannot control human beings.

Basically EVERYTHING comes down to your choice of words and where they are placed.

It is bloody fascinating, been reading since i woke about 7 hours ago.

example of the power you hold that you don't know exists

(source: /www.fmotl.com)
Wow.. that's some interesting stuff TTT, very complex but worth learning.. so basically if you know your stuff & if you ever found yourself in the unfortunate position of being prosecuted, you could in theory blag your way out of trouble with the wonderful old laws/acts of England.. I love this country

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Yup, basically any law created by parliament is an Act, which is nothing more than a contract between two parties, which one party CANNOT be forced into consenting with. I am currently reading up on putting together a notice of understanding and intended claim of right, which if done correctly, removes you from the UK system, and allows you to own whatever guns, drive without insurance and unregistered, grow whatever cannabis you like etc.

And we have all been conditioned not to know any of this. Everything about the legal system is designed to make money, and as much as possible, so they make you think, as best as they can, that you have no choice. (recent case, famous musician, forget his name, was found guilty of posession of cannabis recently, he was asked to pay money into a victim fund. sorry, what victim?)

The council letters that come around before elections, sayiing you are breaking the law if you do not respond to the registry of electors. But, they cannot break trhe law so they word it as such: "The law states that you must register". By legal definition, must, is synonimous with may. You are not obliged in any way to register.


Well-Known Member
The council letters that come around before elections, sayiing you are breaking the law if you do not respond to the registry of electors. But, they cannot break trhe law so they word it as such: "The law states that you must register". By legal definition, must, is synonimous with may. You are not obliged in any way to register.
That is just as well.. as I haven't voted for 10 years! I always thought it was my right to vote or not anyway but was never 100% sure on the legal side of that one.

I would love to see your 'notice of understanding and intended claim of right' once you have drawn it up.. it may help quite a few of us if the worst should happen. Some great research there TTT + rep (apparently i need to spread the rep about 1st..)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The notice is actually just from a youtube user, who has deconstructed it, it's just a 30minute video of someone narating subtitles. So i figured i'd see what it is like in full form.

Next job is to read up on exactly what you gain and lose by removing yourself from government employment. I know it means that you control and pay exactly for what you want, so that you are only paying health care when you need it, walthough i assume this means private. It's give and take, but for the way i live now, i think it could be good, and from what i also read, by law you can re-register yourself if you want to (last i read you pay them money and voila, birth certifgicate done, always money money money though)


Well-Known Member
Hey Tip Top

I too would love to read what you manage to come up with about the this.

As already mentioned it could help out alot of people if the time ever arrises.

+rep for sure bro!


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
As it is, i just wrote out a copy of what was in the video (if i write things down i can learn them fairly well, if not it just goes in one ear out the other).

I am tempted to get a thread up, nothing official and such, just throiw together everything positive i and anyone else might know that'll aid UK folk, also including some details about your rights as a person, not just a human being, as people seem to be mixed up over police powers as it is, before i went and confused myself with this common law lark.

The video i posted above has been made by a UK fellow and it was actually made specifically to revolve around the issue of growing cannabis under common law, and his wish to do so. in the second video he talks about his 5 affidavits he used, which included driving his unregistered, unlicensed car on the roads, the right to own and discharge any weapon during target practice, hunting for food, and the right to disharge it at another human being as a last resort to save life, and also to grow any plant under the genus cannabis.

He further goes on to explain about the Fee Demand, basically your own personal fuck you. Under his serving of notice, any policeman that arrests, detains, handcuffs etc must by agreement to the notice, pay out a £250 fine to you, if they transport you, search you or interrogate you without your written and aproved consent, it's a £2500 fine. So every time he get's pulled over by the police, if theyh don't do the leg work and find that he is not a person, he get';s paid each time :D
Get caught on the street with as little as a gram on you and you'll get arrested, fined £60 & have your house searched ( occasionally ).
If you get caught with a class A drug your home will definatly get raided & you'll be put on the drug offenders list, this varies in different parts of the uk... some keep a record some don't. ( i don't really know what class most drugs are in so i can't name one right now, sorry )
Put it this way, you won't get caught if all your doing is growing a couple plants FOR YOURSELF, if your planning on making some £££ theres always a chance your gonna get caught...
If you convert your house into a jungle you most problem will go to prison, however if you only got 1 or 2 plants you can just say it's for personal use and the cops might let you of with a warning and a fine.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Hehehehehe, still reading, and watching some great video's from the courtroom of the ley advisor dismissing the case after forcing the magistrates to abandon court.

My father is a very high power lawyer and has been for around 30 years now, i've ben texting back and forth all night and morning about all this, and he simplyy can't accept a word, "no english judge will listen for 2 seconds" and such, yet it's so fantastically brilliant, the judge HAS to listen by law, and he just can't grasp this concept of fictional persons. I like this!