Whats gonna happen when the hurricanes hit the oil?


Well-Known Member
you will find out because its happening right now theirs a hurricane in the gulf this ones blowing the oil to mexico so their not talking about it. and oil burns at sea their burning it in the ocean huge smoke clouds


Well-Known Member
Ask a climate change "expert". Then, when it doesn't happen the way they predict, they can blame it on "climate change". :roll: lmao

On a serious note, I don't take the spill lightly, and despise what's happened/happening. "Follow the money". Right? BP, GE and Jeffery Immelman, the economy killing/poverty creating bill known as Cap and Trade, and George Soros' oil company Petrobas, have by FAR the most to gain from all of this. If you people thought Halliburton and Bush were in bed together, this bit of corruption blows it out of the water!!


Well-Known Member
Halliburton is STILL very much involved! They are the ones responsible for the concrete work, (which failed) helping to cause this disaster, and on a side note, Halliburton purchased the oil well mitigation company, Boots and Coots, (and no I'm not kidding that's the real name), just 8 days before the initial explosion. Several members of congress are even squealing about this one. We are just SCREWED, from every possible angle!


Well-Known Member
This is so much worse than most people believe or understand. We've fucked up really, really bad this time.


Active Member
hahaha you Sr. Verde crack me up.

I was cruisin around youtube the other day and I came across a few videos which suggested Obama will declare Martial Law. Pretty much fullfilling all the dreams of the conspiracy people.