What other plants do you grow?

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
Besides MJ I grow tomatoes, Aloe, Thai Peppers, Cacti, and a large collection of house plants, including, Wandering Jew and Spider Plants. I also have two trees in my house.

Yeah, we have a lot of plants.


Well-Known Member
i use an old aerogrower for peppers and cherry tomatoes .. never could get MJ to grow in it lol ..... have a waterfarm in a bay window for fresh herbs ... also grow passionflowers from seed .. have about 20 different strains growing in the other windows of the house


Active Member
I have 2 3 year old alvacado trees, lemon tree, lime tree, roma tomato hatch chili peppers , portabello mushrooms, and magic shrooms and mj


Well-Known Member
My indoor plants:

Outdoor plants:

Spaghetti squash, kale, spinach, lettuce, radishes 2 var, carrots, tomatoes 5var, tomatillos, cantaloupe, basil 3 vars, thyme, oregano, sage, peppers 5 var, cucumber pickling and lemon, eggplant, kohlrabi, sun flowers, chard, zucchini, water melon, and a couple others. Just put up the greenhouse for my fall and winter crops.


New Member
I'm growing 2 yellow habanero peppers, 2 campbells 33 tomatoes, about 3 or 4 thai basil, and 1 marijuana plant, all hydroponically, I'm also looking after my Mom's orange tree seedling, its got about 4 nodes but it's been growing by window so I dropped it under my 1000 watter and fertilize it every second watering


Active Member
We have orchids inside and giant sunflowers and vegetables outside--does anyone have any idea how to get orchids to bloom again-- we managed to do it once but not again and we're not sure why. . .(pretty garden Gastanker : )


Well-Known Member
We have orchids inside and giant sunflowers and vegetables outside--does anyone have any idea how to get orchids to bloom again-- we managed to do it once but not again and we're not sure why. . .(pretty garden Gastanker : )
Thank you. Orchids are fairly tricky. You really need to have the correct photoperiod, humidity and temps to get them to flower.
plumeria ,,yellow ,pink and white,been trying a little crossing project for some of my own colors...some calif. wine grape bonsai...upland cotton i got from costa rica..was growing wild...fruiting figs..mission i think...and bananas...small but sweet


Well-Known Member
We have two avocado trees two banana trees(2years old hoping for fruit next year) a few miracle berry bushes dragon fruit vines and of course cocoa (chocolate made fresh to use in special brownies.....nothing better). Outdoor a bunch of blueberries and grapes. Guy I got all the exotics from now has starfruit grafts gonna get a few.


Well-Known Member
We had a fairly decent sized garden this summer. It had onions, potatoes, tomatoes, corn, squash, peppers, okra, pinto beans, green beans and black eyed peas. We only got to harvest a few things. This year was very rough in Texas. It rained once this whole summer and I think we got less than one inch. The worst part was the grasshoppers. They were like a swarm this year. They had nothing to eat in the pastures so they came into the yards and ate EVERYTHING. We almost had a few trees die because the damn things ate all the leaves off of them!