What Offends You?



What do you personally find offensive?

Is it if someone swears in front of your grandma?

Or how bout if someone farts during dinner? :shock:

Are you one to get offended very often? What do you do about it? Do you think you should have any kind of "right" to be protected from the things that you might find offensive?
me personally find it offensive when my friends who no nothing at all about weed say how bad it is and how many people die from it


me personally find it offensive when my friends who no nothing at all about weed say how bad it is and how many people die from it
You take offense to that? Explain to me how it makes you feel, the things going through your head, and why you feel offended. :weed:

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
I get offended when someone says that their imaginary friend in the sky is to be thanked for someone else's generosity.

Or in short, "Thank God!, ..........".
i just get annoyed at there ignorance and how they dont listen or understand the things they hear or are told just listen to the things they think they know


Well-Known Member
Offends me when people se me as a drug addict, fair enough, when technically alcohol is a drug, yet people wh would call me that, get pissed all the time and get crouchy when they have a hangover, yet theres me, who spent around £2 getting high, dont feel violent towards anyone, enjoy myself, and then wake up feeling GREAT! anyway rant over haha.

I dont care what people say about my appearance to be honest, i dont see why people put people down by appearance, i just really dont get it, yes iv done it lots of times, but i feel really bad afterwards and most of the time i only say it to people who deserve it or have said it to me or a friend.

Peace x


Well-Known Member
I get offended when someone says that their imaginary friend in the sky is to be thanked for someone else's generosity.

Or in short, "Thank God!, .........."

This offends me. People who look down on others for a certain belief they may have.

So someone's faith offends you? Your life must be rather dim. Not because you don't believe in a deity, but because you seem like a very shallow person. It's one thing to disagree with someones opinion, or lifestyle, it's a whole different story to gain a level of disdain from it. Kinda like those kids who turn there noses up at you and call you "loser" or "Stupid Stoner" for indulging in marijuana.

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
This offends me. People who look down on others for a certain belief they may have.

So someone's faith offends you? Your life must be rather dim. Not because you don't believe in a deity, but because you seem like a very shallow person. It's one thing to disagree with someones opinion, or lifestyle, it's a whole different story to gain a level of disdain from it. Kinda like those kids who turn there noses up at you and call you "loser" or "Stupid Stoner" for indulging in marijuana.
You miss my point entirely.
I'm not upset at their belief system. just the ungratefulness of saying it was a higher power.

So, let me get this straight.
Your offended by me being offended, and so you insult me.
You must be a christian, huh?:lol:
bigotry, selfishness, rudeness and being inconsiderate.

When I first read this question, I felt like I was hard to offend. Guess I had the context wrong, because after thinking about my answer, I have realized that I put up with all this shit everyday. Go figure.


Offends me when people se me as a drug addict, fair enough, when technically alcohol is a drug, yet people wh would call me that, get pissed all the time and get crouchy when they have a hangover, yet theres me, who spent around £2 getting high, dont feel violent towards anyone, enjoy myself, and then wake up feeling GREAT! anyway rant over haha.

I dont care what people say about my appearance to be honest, i dont see why people put people down by appearance, i just really dont get it, yes iv done it lots of times, but i feel really bad afterward and most of the time i only say it to people who deserve it or have said it to me or a friend.

Peace x
Good point with the "drug user" bit, I hate that shit! These people are straight up retarded who call marijuana users "drug addicts"... I also know this chick who thinks people just get "stupid" when they get stoned, to which I called her stupidity on at work and she appeared to be surprised by it, and of course, couldn't back it up because she's gotten high 1 time... lmfao. Ignorant ass idiots man...

This offends me. People who look down on others for a certain belief they may have.

So someone's faith offends you?
Someones BLIND faith definitely offends me. If I know your shit better than you do, and you can't answer some of the questions I'm asking about it (like tons of people I come across in daily life can't) then that offends me.

Essentially claiming comfort on a platform of ignorance at the expense of everyone else. Not cool in my book.

It's cool if you want to believe whatever you want, it just becomes a problem when they introduce churches and make it an organization instead of what it should be, a private relationship with your creator. Something personal.

Good replies.

What about words? That's really what jump started the thread, do any WORDS offend anyone?

How many times do you see that in the "news"? How someone said "retard" or "bastard" or "idiot" etc. and tons of people get up in arms about it... is that necessary?


Well-Known Member

I hate "know it alls". For instance, Someone who posts over and over with their opinions, But, has never showed one damn picture of their plant, crop, or harvest. And then they tell others there doing shit wrong. Thats what offends me.


Someones BLIND faith definitely offends me. If I know your shit better than you do, and you can't answer some of the questions I'm asking about it (like tons of people I come across in daily life can't) then that offends me.

Since you know your my shit so well, you know that faith by definition is hope in that which is not seen. So you are offended by the hope of others?

Essentially claiming comfort on a platform of ignorance at the expense of everyone else. Not cool in my book.

A spritual person would consider a lack of belief ignorance.

It's cool if you want to believe whatever you want, it just becomes a problem when they introduce churches and make it an organization instead of what it should be, a private relationship with your creator. Something personal.

I thought you knew my shit. Didn't you know that our religious texts require us to have fellowship with each other at places of worship?

Good replies.

What about words? That's really what jump started the thread, do any WORDS offend anyone?

How many times do you see that in the "news"? How someone said "retard" or "bastard" or "idiot" etc. and tons of people get up in arms about it... is that necessary?

Was this thread started out of concern for those you might offend, or as research to become better at it?


Since you know your my shit so well, you know that faith by definition is hope in that which is not seen. So you are offended by the hope of others?

Faith by definition is belief without evidence, aka, ignorance. Ignorance offends me.

A spritual person would consider a lack of belief ignorance.

That's fine.

I thought you knew my shit. Didn't you know that our religious texts require us to have fellowship with each other at places of worship?

Show me the verse that says that.

Was this thread started out of concern for those you might offend, or as research to become better at it?

Neither really, I was just genuinely curious about what actually offends people, and why it does.

I don't think people give it much thought, they just hear "that was offensive" and then automatically feel "offended" if they're part of the group that was targeted, even if they're actually not. The group mentality thing takes over.
Rabble rabble Rabble rabble Rabble rabble...

Words that offend me.

Last fight I started was with a guy I didnt know over using the word nigger to belittle someone. Apparently I wasnt supposed to be offended because I was white, fuck him.

You guys fighting about faith is funny. Who really cares.


Rabble rabble Rabble rabble Rabble rabble...

Words that offend me.

Last fight I started was with a guy I didnt know over using the word nigger to belittle someone. Apparently I wasnt supposed to be offended because I was white, fuck him.

You guys fighting about faith is funny. Who really cares.

You actually raised your fist in anger against a guy for saying something to someone else?

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I get offended by people trying to push religion on me during crucial situations. It is insulting to my intelligence when someone suggest GOD or their religious practices are going to make things better. So I would have to say it is offensive to me to offer advice or opinion unless asked

You actually raised your fist in anger against a guy for saying something to someone else?
Heck ya.

I have given out a few vigilante ass whoopens.
Sometimes you have to fight the good fight just for the sake of it.

One I time I chased down a purse snatcher and took back some ladies purse and held the guy till the popo's came. That was the third date with what is now my wife.