What happened to my buds??


Well-Known Member
Lol, and agreed. I've smoked a load of my leftovers during a Scrubs marathon. Tasted like wet dog.. but got me high!

So where did i go wrong? How to keep those tight crispy buds for a long period?
Perhaps someone could break it down ie

1st week - normal drying, I have mine hanging off string in a box with about 40% ventilation
week 2 - 10? in mason (or similar) jars, opening every day for 30mins?
week 10 and on - still in jars, simply not airing it every day

anyone have a method that keeps buds crisp and ripe for say 6months?
i heard putting them in a air tight jar(vacuum sealing then putting it in the jar would work even better if you have one) and putting them in the fridge or freezer, people put bud in the freezer only for long periods of storage though.

i usually hang em to dry 2-3 days, i give them slow air flow and rotate the buds. then i move them to a wooden cigar box or a brown paper bag for a few hours, it helps wick out some of the excess moisture. if you can still tell they're really wet, keep them in this box or keep the box cracked open with a slight airflow going to the box, after a few hours you should be able to move to a mason jar. keep as little stem as possible, stems retain moisture that can go back into the buds once theyre in cure, you dont want excess moisture for cure. then wait about a week or two, crack the jar open a little bit and leave it for a while, then let it cure again. putting a paper towel on the lid of the mason jar is also a good way to tell if theres moisture, if you leave it and come back with the paper towel moist, its too wet for a mason jar, so back to a paper bag or wooden box.
someone also told me they cured by putting a screen under the lid, but between the lid and the screen were grain of rice. he told me it was good cause it soaked up and moisture and rice or rock salt is good for doing this. i dont know if the rock salt is a good idea but i was gonna try the rice on the lid trick soon though.