What does your display name mean?

Micheal Kelso

Well-Known Member
That 70's show was on the tube when I found this site... about as creative as I get I guess.

Plus everyone says I'm retarded like Ashton Kucher's character and my girl says I look like him....


Old Toby

Active Member
I took my name from the lord of the rings, Old Toby was the first hobbit to bring "pipe weed" to the shire.
Those hobbits were stoners lol!


New Member
mine was thought up a few years ago by my mates, i used to play pool in pub's for money ( and win ). it used to be just "hustla" but someone already has that name on here.


Well-Known Member
Being from Australia, and being stoned quite a lot made this pretty easy, really, no cash rewards for originality here.

Good thread HiPhi !


Well-Known Member
i got my nick many years ago somewhere in 88-89. because i got real long hairs and beard and with this two thinks i looks like jesus in many old paints and pictures[SIZE=+3]
.and 3 just for fun.i was born in 1970.


Just some idiot
i got my nick many years ago somewhere in 88-89. because i got real long hairs and beard and with this two thinks i looks like jesus in many old paints and pictures.and 3 just for fun.i was born in 1970.
Jesus was way cool you know? He was the baddest motherf&cker that ever walked on water. Have you ever heard that song, "Are You Drinkin' With Me Jesus?". It goes Jesus could walk on water but how about beer.....


Well-Known Member
Mine is my musician name,something I came up with while I was both high and drunk sitting by myself being bored.

Has more than one meanin the first is because I was always selling nickle and dime bags.Running the streets selling whatever and scamming money.We called that nickle and diming.There's another kinda means getting screwed over called getting nickledimed.

As for my quote even my gf asked me about it.It means play the game(life) to the fullest or basicly get run over.

J - Dog

Well-Known Member
J-Dog = the initial of my first name + the fact I like dogs and have a pitbull and golden retriever..

Thus J-Dog. I was born and live in Washington State and love it here..
So don't get any bright ideas..

I can't see my avatar, can you guys??

Allan Watts

Well-Known Member
Alan Watts was a British philosopher 1915-1973 who talked about Eastern Religion and really opened up my eyes. His books like "Cloud Hidden-whereabouts unknown- a mountain journal" are spectacular. Recommend highly.
The Spirit of Zen.


Well-Known Member
I read a little about him....I got really bored this week and read a whole history book lol

Whoever says stoners are stupid are stupid just for saying it