What a waste of time!


Well-Known Member
yea but for those of us who do bagseed or just dnt have the extra money for feminized seeds, then yes u need to grow more i alway estimate that roughly 50% of the plants i grow will be male sumtimes more sumtimes less so with that basis u should at the very least grow 2-3 and best case sinario there all female, but either way u should at least get one fem outta the deal, u should never put ur all u eggs in one basket if u no what im saying


Well-Known Member
Go with nirvana gear 20$ a pk yea they cheap but the strains are deff uo to,par,i love theie nl and papaya nl,yields better but the,papaya is stronger still grow bith in doors


Well-Known Member
you can always cut a limb, put it in the fridge in a bag, and when you want seeds break the ball and rub it on a ripening bud whose pistil is straight and white.


Felt this when i found a 6 footer was a male. I have it nowhere near the ladies, so im just letting it go and i may try and collect a bit of pollen and maybe hash the plant.


Active Member
this lady needs some pollen P1010012.jpgbad ... bag seed turning more purple and frosty every day end of 3rd week flowering .... i did 15 seeds first 4 all females 2 more i just sexed today girlz and 4 more germinating my last 4 bag seeds today for a late crop