As well they should be. There should be no rich. Rich implys power over others and a lifestyle that has no compassion or reason. Well paid working men should be the standard. If The US went to socialized medicine, then the canadian dr.s would have no place to go and rape the citizenry! Dr.s should be educated with public funds and then paid fairly for their work according to their skills.
Most Dr.s get rich by opening clinics and specializing in some vane surgery, like plastic surgery. The co-ops of Dr's and HMOs allied with the rip-off insurance companies have driven the price of medical out of the reach of the average citizen. With 50 million+++ uninsured, this system must change. BTW I see you are an employer. Might this have a shadow over your opinion? PS I don't know how I jacked the lines in here, but it was unintentional. And that as much as they can afford statement speaks volumnes of untold actions.