Well what do you think?


Active Member
Lol well guys im ready to get yelled at. Today i planted. I live on the eastcoast and its really hot during the day latley and cold in the morning to 9:00am. So i found a place where they would get decent sun during the day and put 4 seeds in the dirty a lil bit apart watered it put a lil poting soil and some limestone pellets. So what do you think is ganna happen , honestly idc if it dosnt come threw or not .


Well-Known Member
Unless you are down in South Florida then you have missed the growing season by a long shot.

Takes 5-6 months to fully produce around where I live on the East Coast.

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
Ok what if i brought them inside when its about to get cold
You might be able to pull a harvest from clones, not from seeds.

If you mean bring them indoors at night and back out during the day, I've done this before and it's a pain in the ass. After two or three weeks it really starts wearing on you. You might as well think about getting an indoor setup going. Trust me on this, bro.


Active Member
You might be able to pull a harvest from clones, not from seeds.

If you mean bring them indoors at night and back out during the day, I've done this before and it's a pain in the ass. After two or three weeks it really starts wearing on you. You might as well think about getting an indoor setup going. Trust me on this, bro.
I ment like say in a month it gets cold so i transport them into a perm indoor setup.