Well this is my first grow


Active Member
Ok well my setup is pretty cool, I think? Well anyway, the box is about 3' wide, 2.5' deep, and 3' high. It has a powerful exhaust fan built in for some reason, and I painted the inside white. I was wondering what type of seeds would be good for starting? I'm already growing a few bagseeds for the experience, but I'd really like some input on what strains would be easy, and hopefully potent =).

I had my heart set on white widow lol, but I'm not sure how much maitenance it requires and what not. I want a strain that will grow very well if taken good care of, and will still grow decent under minimal conditions...know what I mean? All weed is pretty simple to grow right? After all it is a weed.


Well-Known Member
Marijuana is not "simple" to grow. There are numerous factors that need to be taken into consideration to produce a high-quality, high-yield crop. From the environment, to lighting, to conditions of the grow medium, all these factors need to be just right if you want a high-quality product. The genetics of the seed only account for so much. The growing conditions and the drying and curing process has a major impact on the potency of the finished product. I've gotten crappy mid-grade bud with some seeds in it. But those same seeds when grown properly will yield a final product that could easily grace the cover of High Times magazine.

Another misconception is that the Cannabis Sativa plant is actually a weed. This is NOT true. A weed is defined as a plant that is not valued where it is growing and is one that tends to overgrow or choke out more desirable plants. This couldn't be further from the truth. Obviously, marijuana is a highly valued plant, commanding a market price of up to $600/oz. That's more than the price of gold. Also, Cannabis does not overgrow and choke out other more desirable plants; Quite the opposit. One of the things that make hemp a superior textile to cotton is the fact that, unlike cotton which IS a weed, Cannabis has a symbiotic relationship with its environment and does not strip the earth of its resources. The life cycle of the plant is such that the earth it is grown from biologically benefits from its existance. Cotton, on the other hand, strips the earth of its nutrients and resources and therefore crops must be rotated from field to field to allow the earth time to recouperate from the effects of its presence.

In summary, anyone can stick a seed in the ground and let nature take its course. But to yield exceptional results, there is an entire science that must be mastered.


Active Member
Well thanks for the info, however, you answered none of my questions. I understand the complexity of growing marijuana, and you took my statement of it being a weed the wrong way. I obviously understand the value of marijuana, seeing as how I want to grow it, I was just wondering what type of strain would be best suited for my setup. ANYWAY, does anyone know of a good strain (preferably from experience) that grows short, big, potent buds?