Welcome home Marc Emery


Well-Known Member
You would think with all the large cartels out there selling coke crack heroin etc the American gov would be more worried about that then someone selling seeds but that just goes to show how ass backwards governments are...protecting us from the devil weed lmfao


Well-Known Member
LMAO at the conservatives tweet;
Ex-con #MarcEmery is back in #Canada ready to kick off campaign for best “bud” @JustinTrudeau http://cpcp.cc/csj7l pic.twitter.com/Cwa2SqitB9

hilarious how out of touch they are.
love how they're wasting cash on anti-pot ads when most Canadians are of the opposing view too.
basically saving the liberals cash on ads about the issue by doing it for them.. love it.


Well-Known Member
There has to be a proper write up and movie made of this guy...
what happened to Emery has been talked about even in the harshest of Russian prisons ...compare...?
from the Eastern view of things, Canada is seen as property of 'Betty of Windsor'
not an annex of the whitehouse....? I would like to see what the English think of this also the Australians with the German Dotcom of megaupload case to follow


Well-Known Member
Let the fun begin! He is such a mouthpiece (and I mean that in a good way) he will be a thorn in the Conservatives ass.....it's going to get interesting. Jodie running for the Liberals....don't know how that's going to go down.

Maritime Marauder

Active Member
Not sure why everyone is so excited.....this guy is shady and is just easy ammo for the Cons. The best thing for this next election would be for Marc and Jodie staying the heck out of it. Marc is out of touch, a pervert with a dodgy past that no one talks about, and is not at all well-spoken.....he always looks like a stoned-out caricature of Jim Breuer in Half-baked in his public appearances. Not sure why everyone thinks he's the answer to all the current problems when he will just make things worse. Way too many people blindly signing the praises of the 'prince of pot' without knowing even half of the story.....
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