week 4.5 of flowering


they look underwatered! what are you giving them for nutes/light/etc?

i'm beginning of week 5 and if you look at my latest post you can see what they look like :)

my first grow as well
They are getting about 1 tbsp of humbolt bloom nutes, 400W 12/12 about 14 inches about the tallest plant
probly do need to give them more water its just alittle difficult growing 6 different plants in 1 res. cant take care of them separately like this.


if your PH is in check maybe they could use a little bit more nutes =]

my understanding is that if your PH is in check, and you have a deficiency.. it is probably good to give em more nutes, but if your PH is off, you may have plenty of nutes but your plants aren't taking in any of them, and giving more nutes might make the plants worse in that case.

good luck though! hopefully we both make it through our first grows successfully :weed: