Virgin growers blow by blow auto weed show

Hi there fellow enthusiasts!
I'm a first time grower, long time lover of the international herb.
I don't believe that it should be so hard to grow a decent quality, smokable herb.

I want to simplify the process and develope my own "idiot proof" growers guide for the layman.

I have decided to use L.E.D lights due to electric consumption and running costs.
Also decided to do only feminised auto's. - keeping it sweet and simple.
Also keen on the fact that I only need 1 space.

Any and all help, suggestions, pointers and "do's and don't's" will be greatly appreciated.

So, let the information flow and the learning begin!
The story so far:

I got a 2nd hand metal filing cabinet and ripped out the shelves.
1.8m(high) x 1.2m(wide) x .56m(deep)
Top and bottom covered in sisolation - walls covered in diamond mylar

The light:
1 x 357 magnum led growlight
357w of pure efficient flower producing power(compares to 600w hid)
11 dialled in spectrums through 30, 60 and 90 degrees with full spectral spectrum control
50 000hrs life expectancy and 3 year warranty
To run 18/6

Extraction & ventilation:
1 x Xpelair DX100W extractor fan(usually used in bathrooms) mounted externally on top right side of cabinet
1 x louvre grid (280mm x 85mm) mounted externally on bottom left of cabinet.

The medium:
Organic pro-mix
Hydro balls(± 20 %)
Ground dolomitic lime( 1 tbs p/3 litre)
4 x 20 litre planter bags

The beans:
Cream of the crop - Auto Amphetamine(NYC Diesel x Ruderalis) via Attitude seeds in the U.K

So? What do you think?
Any blatant or glaring errors or omissions?

Desperate for feedback!


Well-Known Member
just 2 things i can see so far
your led has all different lenses that is good for penetration
but you will have to lst like crazy to keep your plants short the tighter lenses and some of the widers need a bit of range between the plants
18 inches atleast to keep from burning so you figure 18" plus the depth of panel plus what ever its hung up by you just burned up 2 ft of vertical then you have to add in pot size lets say 8 inches so you have almost 3 ' a little less used with no plant you have 5.9 ft of vert space so you have bare minimum space
never used that panel so im not speaking from experience with magnum use
but my cheap china man leds will burn the snot out of my plants up close
what im getting at is a plant under that light lst'd like its going to be is going to get big and take up your whole box just 1 plant lol
2013-05-23 09.59.22.jpgShort stuff himalaya blue diesel auto
2013-04-05 19.25.45.jpgBarneys sweet tooth auto
if i can get that from cfl's and dinky led ufo's then im sure just one plant under that panel
in that space will look like a can of sardines :weed:

and that fan is going to be crazy loud
Thanks tek
Fan noise not a problem, cabinet stashed in a barn out back, far away from nosey's!

Definately will be lst'ing. Considering a horizontal screen(scrog) for second grow.

Another 10 x Nirvana Bubblelicious on the way! 20 beans = 5 grows

Prepared for trial and error.
Let's hope for the best


how much did the LED set you back mate?

And im 3 weeks into growing bubbleicious from nirvana..they look like little beasts!
6/6/13 - received 10 x auto amphetamine
Floated selected 4 in a glass of sterilised h2o - 14h00

7/6/13 - 09h00 - only 3 beans have sunk, 4th floating just below the surface - maybe a dud?
Gonna try to propogate it regardless.
Made a propogation bath - 1 litre h20, 4 drops bio-roots, 2ml Kelpac
Placed seeds directly onto jiffy's(propogation pellets) and floated on liquid.
Pellets fully expanded and saturated, placed under table lamp and awaiting my gals
Reckon ± 5/6 days


well 3 weeks in and there about 7 inches tall about 6 or 7 nodes? And already flowering...the first and second set of fan leaves are massive compared to size of the plant il get sum pics but i dont post on the forum from the same spot i grow cos im paranoid lol. There showin quite good side branching aswell even before tying em down (which i only decied to do 4 days ago bit late in hindsight). This is compared to the NL autos which look slightly smaller in comparison and the side branches are tiny
Right I finally puzzled the technicalities out!
here's a couple of pic's - I appolog.ise in advance for picture quality, will definately be working on that.

The first batch of seeds via Attitude seeds from the U.K
10 x Cream of the crop - Auto Amphetamine(fem) NYC x Ruderalis - 70.73 pounds sterling
1 x World of seeds - Afghan Kush Special(fem) - freebie
1 x G13 Labs - Blue Venom(fem) - freebie
1 x Delicious seeds - Critical Sensei Star(fem) - freebie
1 x World of seeds - Northern Lights x Big Bud(autofem) - freebie
1 x G13 Labs - Pineapple Express(autofem) - freebie
1 x Cali Connection - Original Sour Diesel(fem) - freebie

Amphetamine.jpgauto pineapple express.jpgn.light x big bud.jpgthe 1st batch.jpg
Only opened 1 packet of the Auto Amphetamine (5 beans)
selected what looked like the 4 best ones and floated them in sterilised h2o 06/06/13 - 14h00

Only 3 have sunk, the 4th was floating just bellow the surface(more than likely a dud! Gonna try to propogate her regardless)
Place hydrated beans directly on to jiffy's(propogation pellets) and floated on propogation mix(h2o, bio-roots & Kelpac)
waited for full sturation and place under a table lamp

As there are only 4 I have named them and will track their progress with great interest
#1 green - Eve(the 1st female)
#2 yellow - Enid
#3 blue - Evelyn
#4 red - Ethel(that didn't sink) 07/06/13 09h45

Will keep them moist and wait in anticipation. I expect to see my gals in abou 5 - 6 days
1st bag of amphetamines.jpg4 gals swimming.jpgawaiting germination.jpgEve & Enid at the pool.jpgEvelyn & Ethel at the pool.jpgfirst two jiffied.jpghydration.jpgsecond two jiffied.jpgthe 4 gals.jpg
Indeed bro! Or at least trying(lol).
Sorry about tardy replies but I can't seem to set up instant mail to my mobile.

Well 5 days now, and nothing!
When do I panic and curse the seedbank?
My bag seed experiments took an average of 5 days( 3 batches)?

Are the beans older/drier?
Also been colder the last week - colder surely = slower?

Not gonna freak myself out.
Day 8/9 should be about the limit.

Positive vibes - gonna see my gals tomorrow!

This is a bloody excercise in patience!!

Keep watching this space...
Tahdah! Woohoo!The gals are putting in an appearance! Positive vibes, told you so.This morning Enid(#2- yellow) is just starting to crack the surface - 1st lady at the dance.I expect the rest to be close on her heels. Will check this p.m
The pm...Enid pushing on nicely, no sign of the rest.Tomorrow I expect at least 2 more. Will take some pics(definately getting better)And do full update over the week-end
Evelyn is gracing us with her presence! Eve is slow out of the starting blocks.
Hopefully by sunday they can all 3/4 go into final 20l containers. At least I now got something to watch. Will upload some pics soon.
You go girls!
Watch this space...
1st%20Growth.jpgHaha, o yeah of little faith!
Ethel(that didn't sink) is in the game! Against all the odds she is now breaking the surface. That's 3 out of 4. Eve the 1 I tipped still showing no interest.
Hope she's gonna make it to ensure 100% success with germination!
Maybe she's just a late bloomer? Gonna plant into final pots tomorrow and put under 400w hps to establish before putting into cabinet.