Vertical LED panels - flooded tubes - 2' x 3' closet - give me your opinion


Well-Known Member
Well its good to know announcers are universally hated lol I hate what you described even if they are talking about my team.
Saints were looking pretty damn good yesterday. I enjoyed watching that. 40 first downs... it's amazing what records will be set now that the defense can't hit people. Brees is probably going to set every offensive record there is now. The one's he doesn't own already, haha. I'm losing faith in the broncos, or should I say paytons team. He looks really old and I don't think he has the whole season in him. :(

Plants are looking happy though... so at least that's going the way it should.


Well-Known Member
That's cuz Peyton is getting old but he's a phenomenal QB. I was playing the guy that had him in my fantasy football league so you'll have to excuse my not rooting for him Sunday. lol. Lions are on top of their division. Been 6 or 7 years since that's happened.


Well-Known Member
I bet you didn't play colston this week though lol by him not being productive at all in recent games,,, besides some last night.


Well-Known Member
Don't loose faith in Peyton, he is a pimp. I used to daydream we would get him away from the Colts, he may be getting old but he still has "it" and is a better offensive coach than anyone else in the league. He has a couple years left in him and I really think he can take us to the show! We will see how the KC game goes this week, that will be the money game of the season and a good test of the mettle.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I've been wondering the same thing buddy. These things are beyond bright. Not sure I'll be able to use the all, we'll see.

I'm seeing what you mean about stacking nodes, the plants aren't getting taller, just more leaves. I might have to raise the light, or turn off half. It's exciting.


Well-Known Member
I've been wondering the same thing buddy. These things are beyond bright. Not sure I'll be able to use the all, we'll see.

I'm seeing what you mean about stacking nodes, the plants aren't getting taller, just more leaves. I might have to raise the light, or turn off half. It's exciting.
Yes, I would cut half the POWER... AND raise them alot! Once you start to see SOME vertical growth, adjust as needed! I had the TBS10's OVER 36 inches before I got ANY height! I bet THESE New Panels will have even More Penetration! WooHoo!



Well-Known Member
I'd run them full power from 2-3'. My clones are fucking strong jigga! I do see potential bleaching issues when it does come time to go vert though!


Well-Known Member
so how is the rebuild of the tubes and all going jig? getting the closet setup still? I am super curious about getting one of those lamps for a "side" project grow. :) Im excited to see this one launch. :)


Well-Known Member
Jigs grows are like NASA launches, you think the countdown will start this Sunday, but they'll actually start a few weeks's all very relaxed in the World of Jig, lol.