Ventilation ?


Active Member
Hey guys n gals. Im about 25 days into my first flower cycle. I have 6 babies under a 600watt HPS in a 6 by 6 by 8 ft high closet. The light is in a cooltube vented hood. I have one 19 inch osillating fan and a inline 6" to vent the light. I had it set up like this :
window to fan to light then exuast to room. But im still getting too hot. Its like 28-30. So I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas to make it cooler with what I have now.
I was thinking of cutting through the wall to vent to another room , but I dont really wanna cut through the wall because I live in a apartment.
Any advice would be helpful , Thanks


Well-Known Member
you should be fine. heat issues only come a problem when air movement is not adequate. but with the 19'' fan moving air around the closet you should be fine. you can also look into Co2 if you have the funds as IMO 30c is the perfect temp for a room with co2 injection.


Well-Known Member
Try placing the fan on the other end of the light and have it pull air past the bulb rather than trying to push air past it. You'll get better results. Also, the intake for the hood should be ducted to a fresh air source, preferably outside the tent.