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Yes, it is relatively new.
Yeah, extremely new......????

The most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of all coronaviruses is estimated to have existed as recently as 8000 BCE, although some models place the common ancestor as far back as 55 million years or more, implying long term coevolution with bat and avian species.
How was everyone's Thanksgiving? I got together with all my unvaxxed family. Was great. We all ate and smoked and coughed. Still doing just fine.
I've had three of them. Sunday with some of the family who had to get back home. Yesterday with friends up in Alabama, and today with friends at my work. (we are closed for the holiday, and I use the venue for free) I'm very full and very tired.
Nobody is mandating living by cell towers and having cell phones. People can opt in to all the danger they want. But forcing it upon them creates a problem.

I wouldn't take $1,000,000 if someone tried to force it on me.
Are you talking cell towers? I'll take one, thank you. Cousin James has one on his place, and he makes about 1500 bucks a month off it. It's a really small footprint, so he loses very little of his farm land. I don't have a cell phone myself, but if I did, it would be nice to have a tower in the back yard.
I was from the midwest. The entire area was referred to as a hybrid of the Pecos salsa commercial and slurring jews, "jew York city" said like new York city in the old pecos commercials. It was a super weird event, the midwest folks got super patriotic about people they said should be put to death the week before.
My buddy here in NW Florida operated a sheet metal stamping machine. His coworkers were always playing jokes on each other. When one of them stepped up, removed his hearing protection and told him 10 thousand New Yorkers had been killed by planes crashing into the WTC, he replied, "well, that's a good start." So if nothing else, 9/11 made new york a part of America.
My buddy here in NW Florida operated a sheet metal stamping machine. His coworkers were always playing jokes on each other. When one of them stepped up, removed his hearing protection and told him 10 thousand New Yorkers had been killed by planes crashing into the WTC, he replied, "well, that's a good start." So if nothing else, 9/11 made new york a part of America.

Yeah...wasn't really being facetious or exaggerating. It was weird.
Yeah...wasn't really being facetious or exaggerating. It was weird.
Florida has a hate/love/hate relationship with new yorkers. Here in my neck of the woods we have what are known as the sandhills. The land was too poor to farm, so way back when large amounts of it was bought by speculators and laid out in lots. I guess to folks who never had a yard in their life, a 1/4 acre with an old trailer was a step up. But with the value so low, they don't pay into the tax base to support their kids in the schools. There is an old joke. A damn new yorker. Came here with a white shirt and 20 dollar bill and never changed either.
you're simply not worth my time. i've disproved your stance, the same stance almost all antivaxxers use, several times, i'm tired of illustrating how someone is wrong only to have them bury their heads further into the sand so they can ignore the truth, why would i continue trying to save someone who refuses to grab the life ring?
How’s that imaginary pretend ignore button working for you Roger?
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The only thing slow tonight that I know of is you.
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