unknown bug help


Well-Known Member
So I have noticed these little white looking bug things that live under my pots I'm not sure what they are when I try n kill then they hop away any help to kill these guys and keep them at bay and any idea what they are?


Well-Known Member
Just a guess but, If they jump they could be springtails. They usually live in the top inch or so of soil. Usually organic. Check and see when you water, if they leap around the surface. Springtails are somewhat of a debate. They eat decaying organic matter and some say they don't really effect grows (maybe even beneficial), but if there's a large enough infestation they may eat root (which of course means you have a root prob anyway). I had them in one grow and personally, they didn't really effect anything. How are the plants? What's your soil? Any pics?


Well-Known Member
lol. you guys don't want to look into my soil posts I have colony of bugs. they build little forts and stuff on the top of the soil only to be wrecked when I water and they will rebuild . lol idk what they are had them for years . they don't eat roots or even go onto the plant or stem . living off the sugar I feed the plants I think


Well-Known Member
Yea I wanna say I had them last year too and didn't seem 5 be a problem. But still would like to know what they are they don't seem to be affecting the plants in any way but I'll try n get some pics of the bugs if.my camera phone will allow me to