Trump tells supports "it'll be your fault" if he's impeached.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

this seems like an admission of guilt to me. he's basically saying "i deserve to be impeached, i've done terrible things , but if enough of you get out and vote, i can avoid the punishment i so richly deserve."

where are the fucking gun toting maniacs when you need one? i can't believe no one has shot this motherfucker yet. maybe it's because all the psychotic fuckfaces are his supporters?

finally, when will this worm accept any responsibility for his own actions? he decided to break laws. he decided to act inappropriately in so many situations it's pointless to start listing them. he decided to make illegal payments to women to keep them quiet about his shameful behavior. he decided to meet with a foreign power to trade in political secrets and favors.
so how will it be his supporters fault if the peach gets impeached? well, they did vote him in, to begin with....that's worth at least a few years in hell

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
sorry, whole video was too long, but i watched parts, sounds like typical paranoid rambling bullshit to me. there is no deep state. there's barely a shallow state. there has always been a network of rich old men that control half of the world, that's no secret, and it's no conspiracy.
the only time they get involved in politics is when politics are going to screw up their cash flow. they could care less who is in "charge"..they know who is really in charge. you don't have to invent crazy shit to explain things, the real crazy explanations are as far out as anything you make up.
so there is no bunch of shadowy figures out to get trump. trump is out to get trump. he can't shut the fuck up. he can't read a briefing. he doesn't listen to advisors. he appoints unqualified people to important government positions.he starts trade wars with long time allies, and makes long time enemies his "close friends".........why would the "deep state" have to do a damn thing?
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Well-Known Member

this seems like an admission of guilt to me. he's basically saying "i deserve to be impeached, i've done terrible things , but if enough of you get out and vote, i can avoid the punishment i so richly deserve."

where are the fucking gun toting maniacs when you need one? i can't believe no one has shot this motherfucker yet. maybe it's because all the psychotic fuckfaces are his supporters?

finally, when will this worm accept any responsibility for his own actions? he decided to break laws. he decided to act inappropriately in so many situations it's pointless to start listing them. he decided to make illegal payments to women to keep them quiet about his shameful behavior. he decided to meet with a foreign power to trade in political secrets and favors.
so how will it be his supporters fault if the peach gets impeached? well, they did vote him in, to begin with....that's worth at least a few years in hell
Accept responsibility? Haaaahaahaaahaahhhhaaaa

The right wing GOP Trump supporters already know who to blame. Themselves. And to close the circular argument, it's their fault they were taken in by Right Wing propaganda.

Not the billionaires who funded it along with Trump's collusion with Russia for their expertise and access to Putin's spy network.

Witness the folly:
Also, if people are too stupid and fall for propaganda, it's not the propagandist's fault, it's the voter's. In this age of information there's no excuse of not knowing what's going on.
Propagandists will say anything to shift attention and distract. Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
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Active Member
I love the way Melania has come out as the defender of cyber bullying when her husbands tweets make him the cyber bully in chief. what i don't get is America, the richest country in the world will spend billions on subsidies to farmers affected by trade tariffs but deny the population universal health care. The GOP voters have to wake up and realize they are the ants in the colony. Only the 5% live (of the backs of the 95%) the rest just exist.they should start naming Paul Ryan and the other GOP enablers nick names like Goebbels, Eichmann, Himmler, and Goring because Trump is a despot and the sooner America wakes up, the safer we all are.


Well-Known Member
I love the way Melania has come out as the defender of cyber bullying when her husbands tweets make him the cyber bully in chief. what i don't get is America, the richest country in the world will spend billions on subsidies to farmers affected by trade tariffs but deny the population universal health care. The GOP voters have to wake up and realize they are the ants in the colony. Only the 5% live (of the backs of the 95%) the rest just exist.they should start naming Paul Ryan and the other GOP enablers nick names like Goebbels, Eichmann, Himmler, and Goring because Trump is a despot and the sooner America wakes up, the safer we all are.
You can't fix stupid, MAGA.


Well-Known Member
I want him to impeach himself then pardon himself, gotta flex those presidential prerogatives for the lulz


Well-Known Member
I love the way Melania has come out as the defender of cyber bullying when her husbands tweets make him the cyber bully in chief. what i don't get is America, the richest country in the world will spend billions on subsidies to farmers affected by trade tariffs but deny the population universal health care. The GOP voters have to wake up and realize they are the ants in the colony. Only the 5% live (of the backs of the 95%) the rest just exist.they should start naming Paul Ryan and the other GOP enablers nick names like Goebbels, Eichmann, Himmler, and Goring because Trump is a despot and the sooner America wakes up, the safer we all are.
America outlawed slavery. Government taxing without the consent of the individual taxpayer and using that money to treat the ill makes that taxpayer a slave.

Roads and schools are slavery too. Give us some time - slavery may have been outlawed 150 years ago but we are still trying to get it right.

I have a bushel of wheat. Do you have anything you would like to barter for it? Do you have any underage daughters?

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Well-Known Member
Then Trump does the interview with the Faux news dolt in front of the Montana maga crowd and calls the
the author of the NYT article, guilty of Treason. Amazing. Always PROJECTING. As if it had anything to do with treason
like he is most certainly guilty of! This fucking guy...
Now, there are two individuals in the WH who haven't commented/denied authoring that op-ed now..?
John Kelly & Jeff Sessions. And Trump wants Sessions to investigate to find the Rat. Amazing!

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
America outlawed slavery. Government taxing without the consent of the individual taxpayer and using that money to treat the ill makes that taxpayer a slave.

Roads and schools are slavery too. Give us some time - slavery may have been outlawed 150 years ago but we are still trying to get it right.

I have a bushel of wheat. Do you have anything you would like to barter for it? Do you have any underage daughters?

i do not have any daughters, but i have a very talented sheep, that has no teeth...but you have to pay her, she's not a slave