Trump tells supports "it'll be your fault" if he's impeached.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
you think trump has a little book of enemies, like Nixon had? wonder who's in that book? i'd imagine it's more like a big white board of friends (one corner) and enemies (the other three corners and most of the middle) and most of it changes daily. (Vlad has a permanent spot in the friends corner, of course) Mueller big in the middle, Sessions smaller, pretty much anyone who he's ever employed before. he can't trust any of his staff, he'll start having hitlerian paranoid fantasies about them all conspiring against him. in his mind it will be like when the senators all got together and killed Caesar. Et tu, Rudy?


Well-Known Member
I love the way Melania has come out as the defender of cyber bullying when her husbands tweets make him the cyber bully in chief. what i don't get is America, the richest country in the world will spend billions on subsidies to farmers affected by trade tariffs but deny the population universal health care. The GOP voters have to wake up and realize they are the ants in the colony. Only the 5% live (of the backs of the 95%) the rest just exist.they should start naming Paul Ryan and the other GOP enablers nick names like Goebbels, Eichmann, Himmler, and Goring because Trump is a despot and the sooner America wakes up, the safer we all are.
Et tu quo!

Hilarious, a person on a stoner site uses the most infamous anti-marijuana ad PSA for their argument.

"I learned it by watching you, dad!"