Trippy Picture


Well-Known Member
whoa daath that last one, never seen that one before! there is the animal collective cover for merriwhether post pavillion as well!



Well-Known Member
I like that one tenner lol here I'll find one, hang on I know I got a lot saved on this machine somewhere!


Well-Known Member
Wow, cool stuff!! Bookmarked that one! Going to make a "tripping" folder in the bookmarks with music/eye candy :D Got a website for you too bro!

I need to sleep, I`m pretty gone lol

Hint: Type psychedelic (or naked) :D


Well-Known Member
Tenner are you a fellow stumbleupon user as well? :D I like that site, gonna have to bookmark yours!

Nighty night, I'll be passed out soon.. Just.. ONE MORE.. BOWWWLLLLLLLL


Well-Known Member
RIGHT ON asdf :D Best thing I've ever came across on the internet I swear

Nah never used it.. Whats stumbleupon?
:o I was so sure thats how you found that site, get the addon for your browser just type in stumble upon then your browser name and its just amazing. You check all your interests and whenever you click the stumbleupon button on your internet itll take you to a random ass informationsal website about anything your interested in. I've learned A LOT from it, and it was actually how I found tis forum


Well-Known Member
You guys rock!!..I was curious to find out what stumble upon last night I checked it out..and it's a GOLD MINE!!..really a fun little feature...hours upon hours of crazy fun informative stuff. Rep+ to all of you guys^^^