Top Tips for the Noob Grower


In no particular order:

  • Use Feminized Seeds - it's worth the extra $ for your first grow
  • Don't grow for yield first time - learn each stage - get good at each stage before second attempt -- - treat it as science project - have fun
  • Have a good area to grow in - with proper light
  • Don't grow in stages/ have many sets in different phases - grow first set all at once to harvest
  • Soil not Hydro first time
  • Nutes from the beginning - Foxfarm + their nute schedule - use it!
  • Be PATIENT and have some thing else to smoke/eat for the 4 months it will take- Do Not Grow to "replace your stash quickly and cheaply"
  • Don't Tell Anyone
  • You 'll need 4 way measurement, 30x jewelers lupe, yardstick, temperature/hygro gauge
  • Book - Marijuana Horticulture by Cervantes


Active Member
Just buy expensive soil.Everytime you place in a new pot.You don't have to feed the soil will feed for 3 to 4 weeks.Easier not to burn this way.Other than that looks like you got it


Well-Known Member
Yeah that's pretty much exactly right. Aside from feminized seeds the first grow, bagseed would be best since it's basically free

420 swede

Active Member
indeed, u should use fem seeds unless u plan to take up like 10 unknown seeds to pick out a good mother u should use fem seeds.

Its the worst thing in the world if u have for example a small space for 2-3 plants and 1-2 turns out male u sit there with a sad face and wanna hit yourself bcuz u where too cheap to spend 25€ at nirvana or whichever cheap seedsite..
hey im newb and i wana start growing i agree with all these tips except why should i soil instead of hydro..making the hydro system isnt complicated i have access to the materials to build a hydro system and the feeding process seems easy than soil but since im a newb and you guys are saying soil then i have to be missing something any help?

420 swede

Active Member
hey im newb and i wana start growing i agree with all these tips except why should i soil instead of hydro..making the hydro system isnt complicated i have access to the materials to build a hydro system and the feeding process seems easy than soil but since im a newb and you guys are saying soil then i have to be missing something any help?
anyone can probablý assemble a hydro system, make it work and grow somethin...BUT, soil is allot more forgiving, if u screw something up u wont instantly kill the plant, a noob doesnt have the diagnostic skills to see what part of the nutes the plants are missing or getting too much of. with hydro u need to buy more stuff, a decent ph + ec meter combined costs around 150€ just for an example.

In soil the mistakes are showing slowly and u often hav time to bring it into the shower and flush it with water before its too late and save it. it doesnt draw any power if u are cóncerned about it, u dont havé to buy a spare pump in case the one mounted fails u'd be fucked otherwise and so on...

there is allot of arguments for starting with soil....u cant read yourself into becomming a experienced grower.

With this said hydro isnt rocket science and one noob might be a happy daddy with big and many fat hydro buds but soil is the original and best learning step.
Deffinitly get the bible. well worth the 25 bucks. The net helps offset any questions you many still have. that book is priceless.


Well-Known Member
If your growing in a small space buy a bigger vent fan than you think you need. That was my biggest mistake. I finally got it right on my 4th try which cost me big. Trying to save money ended up costing me in the end.


Well-Known Member
In no particular order:

  • Use Feminized Seeds - it's worth the extra $ for your first grow
  • Don't grow for yield first time - learn each stage - get good at each stage before second attempt -- - treat it as science project - have fun
  • Have a good area to grow in - with proper light
  • Don't grow in stages/ have many sets in different phases - grow first set all at once to harvest
  • Soil not Hydro first time
  • Nutes from the beginning - Foxfarm + their nute schedule - use it!
  • Be PATIENT and have some thing else to smoke/eat for the 4 months it will take- Do Not Grow to "replace your stash quickly and cheaply"
  • Don't Tell Anyone
  • You 'll need 4 way measurement, 30x jewelers lupe, yardstick, temperature/hygro gauge
  • Book - Marijuana Horticulture by Cervantes
Idk why you're giving advice as a stranger. You gave some good advice but got, at least in my opinion, a few things wrong.

1. Don't use feminized seeds your first time. They are expensive and you will probably mess up the first time if not the first few times.
2. Don't do "nutes from the beginning". You want to wait about 3 weeks before you start slowly introducing nutes. One of the most common problems with noob growers is nute burn from using MG soil or nutes too early.


Well-Known Member
Idk why you're giving advice as a stranger. You gave some good advice but got, at least in my opinion, a few things wrong.

1. Don't use feminized seeds your first time. They are expensive and you will probably mess up the first time if not the first few times.
2. Don't do "nutes from the beginning". You want to wait about 3 weeks before you start slowly introducing nutes. One of the most common problems with noob growers is nute burn from using MG soil or nutes too early.
was debatin whether to post, glad to see this

I would add that potting mix rather than soil can be better as it gives the grower more control

following a feeding schedule without understanding why could harm your plants and cause problems down the road

and Mel's book is way better than Jorges