Top breeders need to produce stable strains, not the bullshit they been producing.


Active Member
Now i cant speak on Canadian breeders however, everyone else is under the gun. I have ordered many strains from many of the top seed companies available through The Attitude. Consistent, stable stains have yet to be found. Its a huge dissapointmet to grow out strains to find the phenos all over the place. For the amount of money the seed companies demand for their product I expect them to deleiver a stable , consistent product. They should have to live up to the description of the strain. If i wanted a less than perfect strain then i could do that myself, i can fuck up a breeding attempt just as good as a top breeder can and not have to pay anything for it. Step the quality up breeders, then seek out new strains. dont try to make a million strains only to have the quality(stability) suck balls. Remember, "quality not quantity". Many people are looking at you top breeders as rip offs..


Well-Known Member
Ive always orderd single seeds an often wonder about the stabatlity of the strains.

Ive heard for stabality go with old dutch breeders?
Mr Nice, Sensi Seeds, ect....

I have heard people rave about Dr Geenthumbs stabality, an since no one is selling single seeds they would get put to that test every sale....


Well-Known Member
not too many breeders are takeing the proper time {years} to fully stabilize a strain by selective breeding

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Welll they're hardly rip offs as they're hardly top breeders. They lose that title when they sell shit genetics, they become a joke, like greenhouse seeds, they're not a "top breeder". People should start crying if all they went on was hype and an expensive advertising campaign.