Tiny white bulbs on stem


Active Member
Just discoverd a couple tiny white round things attached to the stem of my cum laude. its too small for me to get a photo off, but its spheric round and white. about 0.2 mm across. hard to the touch. I have no idea what this little bulby thing is. First thing i'm thinkin it migth be somekind of egg attatched to the stem, second thing im guessing its something growing out of the plant. I've found 2 of these, and are really scratching my head trying to figure out whats going on.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
If they are rock hard they are bugs. If you gently scrape it off you'll see. It's almost like peeling us fave scab off. I only got these outdoors and they were very spread out but all on main stem.

Obviously a pick would help n I am guessing based on what you have said.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Mealy bugs and scales.

Waxy white insects. Oblong. 2-7mm. Hardly move. Sometimes they excrete sticky honey dew. Found around or near stem joints.

They suck sap causing growth to slow. Honeydew encourages ants and sooty mold.

Best bet is pick end off asap!

info from j.Cervantes grow bible! ( I ain't keen on him but credit were credits due.)