tiny silk worms hanging from my drying bud?


I just harvested and I am drying my bud in my closet. I keep checking on it to make sure its doin good. and I keep finding these little tiny little caterpillar looking fuckers about an 8th of an inch hanging from a tiny silk worm thread. and they are spreading around my closet!! wtfff. what should i do?



Well-Known Member
Nothing, They are just leaving the bud cause its dying.
I have had it happen before, weird thing, I didn't have a place to hang my buds so I hung string across my bedroom, I slept under them and woke up to one of those on my pillow looking at me. LOL True story.

The buds were fine, no worries.


LOL hahahh.. you just lifted a weight off my shoulder!! thanks man. i am just so protective over this bud cuz its my first harvest after many unsuccessful attempts. so i was really scared that it was ruined


Well-Known Member
Congrats bud. let them hang for a week, bend a stem and hear a snap instead of it just folding and you are almost there. cut the buds off and put them in a paper sack like you get from the supermarket and keep them in there for two or three days, trust me, I do it every time and when I get it into jars I just seal it up and let it sit for a month.

Perfectly dried and cured every time.