This is taking so long. DAY 80 Of flowering. Looks about ready!?*Pics*


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... this grow is driving me insane... its day 80.. and only 1 of my plants is showing some signs of being ready to cut!.. Trichs are like 80% milky... 5% full amber and 15 % Clear...

The hairs are all turning amber... its just the top of the plant is a bit still white. i would say 75% of the plant is all amber hairs..

Should i start to flush ????

THe plant has turned almost purple... (i have no idea why)

And it smells like some kind of medicne... doesn't smell sweet.. but smells bitter and verrrry heavy. kind of like alcohol.

It got pretty heavy and started to tilt over... i had to tie it up...
