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What makes you think G*D wrote it? All of it? So if I write a book and at the end declare that the entire book is absolutely true and the word of G*D.... you would accept it?
Think it through....take your time.

What makes you think G*D wrote it? All of it? So if I write a book and at the end declare that the entire book is absolutely true and the word of G*D.... you would accept it?Think it through....take your time.
Yessir as a matter of fact you have. Why would you assume anything about my religion? as I have never stated any personal belief. There are many many religions that believe Jesus was a man who did infact walk the earth. (As well as atheist historians.) Some claim He was a prophet, some say a fake, some say he was very nice.I haven't judged Jenni
Wait, didnt you mention Saul first? And look at you now...As for using bible quotes to prove the Bible... come off of it already....![]()
Wait, didnt you mention Saul first? And look at you now...
How does using one of the bibles authors (Saul, author of a few books in the new testament) help disprove the bible?
You tell me not to use the bible, and I havent, but then you go off and do it yourself....
Hmm, what thats called when you tell someone not to do somethin, and then you go and do it.... Hmmm
Why do you want to label someone? What if she's spiritual?Your posts say otherwise. I can read in between the lines. So, answer me now in front of G*D (gulp)...are you a Christian?![]()
really? you really just ask that question?Okay, here's a quickie, but wonderfully illustrative... i can provide many many...many more.
"Love thy neighbor as thyself?" (Lev.l9:l. Mass murder is again condoned in Exodus 32:27; in Deut. 2:15-16 and 34-36 and 3:2. No "just and right" God of true peace or love could command a massacre of innocents. These are the writings and contradictions in a religious human-inspired literature coming from the biases and values of an uncivilized warrior peoples. To call this the "inspired words" of a merciful, worthy Deity should be a base insult to even the meanest intelligence.
What makes you think it isnt 100% accurate? tell me some lies and mistakes
as far as nutty things sorry God didnt write it the way you would of liked.
but really do you think nothing exploded and created all this over billions of years?
LOL yesDo you believe a magic man created the earth and everything in the universe in 6 days, 6,000 years ago?![]()
LOL yes
do you know what you believe?
I'll stick to the big bang theory.CrackerJax u gona stick to the big bang theory also?
If so, who created his race?just face it, jesus was an alien/human hybrid who possesed extra terrestrial powers
Classical Darwinism is as much of a joke as religion. Classical Darwinism IS a religion. You need to have WWAAAYYY more faith to believe that nonsense than the bible. The bible has tons of scientific evidence to back it up. Classical Darwinian 'evolution' has NONE.I am already quite aware of everything you posted....I'm not seeing a direction in your posts tho.... How about finishing up this convo.
Comparing evolution to religion is a joke of the highest order. It only demonstrates the desperation of the church.
Einstein did have an extreme hatred for religion though.Are you talking about yourself here? Because as far as I can tell, you have given NO PROOF to back up any of your claims. You simply run and hide behind an attack at another persons beliefs everytime you are confronted with facts.
Furthermore, you refuse to answer any of Jenni's questions. She easily tore ALL of your arguments into pieces and you continue to refuse to answer any of hers
When you asked for sources outside of the bible, Jenni complied and gave you plenty of people. ALL of whom did exist outside of the bible, All of whom did mention Jesus...
Remeber this post??///
And dont try to tell us its bogus either, there are source references at the end of each statment if you'd like to look it up for yourself
Also, you foolishly tried to use the scrolls of the essene as a source.... Haha Im still laughing about that one...
Did you even try to google it? If you did you would find that the Essene Monastary believes in Jesus.
here are the top search results when I typed "scrolls of the essene" on google
All of which claim Jesus.
I also enjoyed it when you said that some scholars discredit Josephus's early writings because it may have been tainted by christian writers.
But even the scholars YOU tried to use as a source give Jesus plausibility as real person.
So even your sources prove Jesus was a real person. Remember this post by Jenni.....
My personal favorite is when you try to talk about albert einstein.
To quote Albert Einstein himself....
"There are people who say there is no God, but what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support of such views." - Albert Einstein
Also, more on einstein
Were all familiar with Einsteins e=mc2 (energy equals mass times the speed of light squared) equation. However what most people dont know is that originally Einstein wasnt solving for e, he was solving for m so his original equation was m=e/c2 (mass equals energy divided by the speed of light squared). So what, whats the difference? With the first equation we learn how to get energy out of mass which has led, for example, to the fission of atoms and getting energy (the atomic bomb and nuclear energy). But in the second equation we learn how mass is created by energy and that, for example, the energy generated by the blastoff of the space shuttle adds mass the weight of a flee to the shuttle. (For more authority on this idea listen to Frank Wilczek, Theoretical Physicist and Nobel Laureate at MIT, Sheldon Glashow, Theoretical Physicist and Nobel Laureate at Boston University and Albert himself!).
Einstein uses science to prove there is more to this life than meets the eye. He himself believed in life after death based on scientific facts.
Just because you don't see miracles in your life, that doesn't mean that they don't happen elsewhere on the planet. And people wouldn't be shown such miracles on television cause people wouldn't believe it.i'm fully iwth crackerjack on all of what he's saying.
especially in regard to miracles. looking at the "why don't miracles happen now then?" and peoples telling of "you can't know what's going on everywhere" etc, well look guys, the whole world knows when a funny shaped frog is seen ten thousand miles into a remote field. if some peasant suddenly fed ten thousand of his villagers in the desert on a packet of nuts, then proceeded to part the seas, well doesn't matter if it's not where i'm at or focused on, it's gonna be known, hell if jesus "did it" and the world knows, 2000 years on, with todays tech, the world would immediately know when a miracle happens, it would be everywere. and for those that do claim a miracle has happened, well you know the irony, i can guarantee you that the general publiuc will tell you you're a tit and to stop trying to get some twitter attention or whatnot, because we realise these days that it's not possible, due to our advances in science and understanding. they lived in the desesrt, he prolly just blew sand on them told them it was bread crumbs and paid off the guy with the manuscript!
afterall, he couldn't follow even the most simple commandments, the most important as well, so why would he be trusted legit through and through?
Jesus broke the sabbath. He healed on the sabbath. That is one of the reasons why they wanted to kill him.Nobody really follows the ten commandments anymore. They aren't even original in thought. Christianity brings nothing new to the table. Just remixed myths and platitudes. It's all been done before by other Myths. Myths are what they are according to the church! But not no no. Isn't that exactly what the previous myth said about others when it was the religion? It's a carny trick of the highest order and has been going on forever.
What is frightening is how many ppl actually believe the Bible is a true story.....scary.
Can Armageddon happen? You bet. When you get it into mans head that something is supposed to happen, he will make sure it does happen. The religious in the end are going to try and kill everyone....mark my words. Islam, Christianity are both working towards an apocalypse. Yes, Islam has an end game too.....![]()
Both religions are nutty and dangerous.