The worst conditions for a seed to grow?


So for some reason i like to clean the roots of my plants after i harvest them.I keep the used soil outside. recently when i walked past it i found what looked like a mj seedling. i put it in my tiny grow room. When i transplanted it it had a massive root system that just made up most of the pot. Can someone please explain wtf happened .If it was a seed wouldn't the cold (5°c during the day -10c° at night)kill it ?could it be the roots germinating? please heeelp!!


Well-Known Member
Years ago I was growing in guerrilla hydro and when I harvested I threw the roots in a pile and buried them one fall in a pile near the front door. In the spring I happened to look down at the weeds that were growing from the pile and lo and behold amongst them was a squat 12" x 12" marijuana plant that had somehow regenerated from one of the root balls. I Love this plant Man :)


Well-Known Member
Not sure, never seen roots only sprout a seedling. May have been a dormant seed. Just guessing here:mrgreen: But then again it might just be a weed. Let us know if it turns out to be MJ.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Not sure, never seen roots only sprout a seedling. May have been a dormant seed. Just guessing here:mrgreen: But then again it might just be a weed. Let us know if it turns out to be MJ.:mrgreen:
yah the roots of a marijuana plant can't start a plant. You need a (S.A.M) shoot apical Meristem.
I agree, could be some weed plant.