The WAR on your culture is a fight for your money

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
We It seems pretty obvious that the gov has declared a war on the MJ and MMJ community. But this new war is different from the old war. This one is all about your money. They are trying to force your money directly into their open wallets. All driven by the sudden fake and outright lie on legalization.
The latest ploy is to convince you that all the weed you ever smoked was horribly moldy and full of death chemicals....fear mongering much. OMG ...seriously how funny is that.
Yup no of us should even be alive at this moment...hahaha.
They suddenly came to the realization that you are more valuable alive and forced into their little scheme.
It was fine to bust your ass and ruin your life before. But now they need your money. So they created the LP system.
If you can stand being nothing more than a sucker and a sap and a good deal for somebody...then I'd hate to be you.
Have some pride folks....BOYCOTT LP's.


Well-Known Member
My local sheriffs department put an add out pretty much saying .....WASH YOUR WEED IF YOU DONT WANA I listened and washed it with alchohol and supplied some nice clean clean .....thanks sheriff


Well-Known Member
..not much more to add.
it'd have been legal eons ago if they knew how to monopolize and completely control it. only reason legalization has been slow to arrive.
it's not the marijuana plant they don't like, it's us peons doing well that bothers them.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
This woman is appalled at the greed of those who never cared for cannabis until they saw dollars signs last year or two...BOYCOTT and pass it on please.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
Anybody who buys from the legal side is a dirt bag masked piece of scum.
Suck hitler cock while your at it you dirt capitulators.

The Hippy

Well-Known Member
How do you feel about being harassed for 50 years your seen as a cash cow to those who wouldn't think of apologizing?????
IMO they are gonna get a big shock.
How do you feel about your culture being attacked for cash?