whos is that, i won a name that strain contest over at that which cannot be mentioned was a bro grim c99 male in it tooHahah I took a long hiatus cuz I was working outta state and shut the op down. But I'm back and about to get the germination going. GDP x c99
did he get banned for that??no such thing as greener pastures . . . just this grass . and that grass . . . . . . . GUD would be here but he blew his top and got banned as well
gud is good people, so he melts down every once in awhile, same as mind, another very good people imvho.. i love them both, for very different reasons..i wish him well, i'm sure he'll be back sooner or later..Gud is always good for flipping out every once in awhile and cracking me the fuck up!! Dude sent me rolling papers one day and it said Gud is not a dick on em!! Hahahahah had me crying I was laughing so hard
i have those sour apples and sour something else, from i think ppp, i forget atm, which are pretty much the same as those ecsd x c99's, which sound nice...I got a bunch of c99 crosses so I figured I might grab the rom ones and run em all together.
Gdp x c99
socal master kush x c99
ecsd xc99
damn, that blows.. knock on wood, i've never had any bugs in my garden, thank fuck for that..That's what I was figuring! I got overran with spidermites on my last grow cuz I was gone so much. I think I took care of them but I was thinking to be on the safe side ill pop some th seeds to see if I got rid of em and no harm no foul if they get thrown in the rubbish container!! Lol
did he get banned for that??
5150 for the winI got clones from 2 different people and put them in the veg room and they attacked all my clones and killed off my mom of dynamite. None got into the flower room. I'm a union ironworker so I go where the work is. Power plants nuke reactors windfarms etc.
yeah, that's exactly waht i'm talking about.. don't get me wrong, if i lived in cali i'd be all over those clone only strains i'm sure, but it sure does sound like it comes at a cost imo.. bugs, not really knowing what you just paid top dollar for really is what you think it is, etc, etc..I got clones from 2 different people and put them in the veg room and they attacked all my clones and killed off my mom of dynamite. None got into the flower room. I'm a union ironworker so I go where the work is. Power plants nuke reactors windfarms etc.