the fck is wrong with lumber prices?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
just bought some OSB sheets and 2x4s the other day.

OSB sheets were up to $17.85 and 2x4s were $3.05 a piece. they were about $11 and $2.15 each not too long ago.

looked it up and it is because of trump and his fcking canadian lumber tariffs.


you goddamned pedophile fcktard shithead disgrace to america.

It's good that you can inadvertently point out a truth now and then blind squirrel.

Restricting the number of potential suppliers of a given product or service is often detrimental to the consumer.

Of course when you tout government restrictions / regulations on healthcare services, you contradict what you just expounded on concerning lumber prices.

Do you even know ANYTHING about supply and demand and how a free market works?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
shut the fuck up you retarded kid-fucking scumbag. this thread is about how your orange hero raised lumber prices by 50%.

If you understand how restricting supply in one area via government intervention impacts lumber prices...isn't it odd that you suddenly go all Berniesque economic imbecile when failing to consider how the same effect happens when they forcibly intervene in "healthcare" and education ?

Your cognitive dissonance may be the fountainhead of your ignorance or maybe you're just not very bright?


Well-Known Member
there's that trademark anti-semitism, bluntmassa.

yes, we get it. you live on a worthless piece of shrubbery in upstate new york or new hampshire. you visit child pornography websites. you totally hate the establishment and would totally have a revolution, but you are a pussy, so you don't.

you are pathetic.
Can't really be anti-Semitic when you are not a Jew. I also never visited a child porn site in my life. I think pedophiles should be drawn and quartered.

Also just because I agreed with Bluntmassa on a revolution does not mean I am Bluntmassa he wasn't banned that long ago and my account is much older than the ban. :)


Well-Known Member
Can't really be anti-Semitic when you are not a Jew. I also never visited a child porn site in my life. I think pedophiles should be drawn and quartered.

Also just because I agreed with Bluntmassa on a revolution does not mean I am Bluntmassa he wasn't banned that long ago and my account is much older than the ban. :)

That's solves that, you're definitely not a lazy pedophile or former member and complete dumb fuck bluntmassa. We'll never mention it again, period.


Well-Known Member
Can't really be anti-Semitic when you are not a Jew. I also never visited a child porn site in my life. I think pedophiles should be drawn and quartered.

Also just because I agreed with Bluntmassa on a revolution does not mean I am Bluntmassa he wasn't banned that long ago and my account is much older than the ban. :)
Antisemitism is hostility to, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews. A person who holds such positions is called an antisemite.

From the outset the term anti-Semitism bore special racial connotations and meant specifically prejudice against Jews

How stupid are you?


Well-Known Member
The divisions shown in this thread are exactly the results the corporations that own us want.
We are all Americans,we all share the same future and fate together,my kids will suffer with your kids regardless of ethnicity or religion.
Stop being puppets start thinking start having compassion for each other or else we are all lost.........exactly as they planned it.


Well-Known Member
Antisemitism is hostility to, prejudice, or discrimination against Jews. A person who holds such positions is called an antisemite.

From the outset the term anti-Semitism bore special racial connotations and meant specifically prejudice against Jews

How stupid are you?
I only joked about Jews I'm not prejudice, I don't hate Jews but their are a lot of good Jew jokes.


Well-Known Member
You're so fucking retarded.

If the Allies hadn't split the German war machine into a fight on two fronts Russia would have easily fallen.

They were literally a cunt hair from disaster, whoever attempted to educate you in your youth was a fucking retard too apparently.
Nobody has ever beaten Russia many have tried all have failed.