That ammonia smell


Active Member
Does anyone else get a amonia smell from what they think was cured jars of bud? I burp my jars down to 63% this not low enough for safe storage? Burping them twice a day for 15 minuts from 70% down to 65%. Then once a week from there on....

Does anyone else get that amonia smell?


Ebb n Flo

Active Member
amonia smell? is it mold? could it just be the strain?

what strain are you growing? and are you using air-tight mason jars for curing?


Active Member
I was under the impression that the "safe" goal to get the RH of jarred buds was around 55% for long term storage. At 63% RH I'd still be burping at least once a day (try for 2 times per day). For me, at that level RH I'm simply opening the jars for a moment and capping them soon after.


Active Member if your jars are at 63% you would still be burping them each day till its down around 55%. I usually do this while Im in the shower or cooking dinner so its like 15 minuts open. I dont see any mold at all....Im not sure if they would show mold if it was budrot or something like that. All I know is that I have 3 or 4 jars that smell like amonia. Its Blue Cheeze and always smells kinda weird. I dont care for the smell and no longer grow the strain. But I smell it a little in my ak48 jars and I dont need that.

Ecomium and Ebb n Flo...thanks for your replys...I would like some more imput if anyone has some....How long do you hold your jars at 60 - 65% and when do you start only burping them once a week.



Active Member
you'rejarring too wet , throw the hygro away you're complicating things, dry till stems start to crackle, then jar and burp ,simple


Well-Known Member
Mb it's the cat pissing in your weed. Lol. Jk. Open up a bud and look for mold or bud rot. Otherwise it's gotta be something other than how you grew/dried it.


Active Member if your jars are at 63% you would still be burping them each day till its down around 55%. I usually do this while Im in the shower or cooking dinner so its like 15 minuts open. I dont see any mold at all....Im not sure if they would show mold if it was budrot or something like that. All I know is that I have 3 or 4 jars that smell like amonia. Its Blue Cheeze and always smells kinda weird. I dont care for the smell and no longer grow the strain. But I smell it a little in my ak48 jars and I dont need that.

Ecomium and Ebb n Flo...thanks for your replys...I would like some more imput if anyone has some....How long do you hold your jars at 60 - 65% and when do you start only burping them once a week.

On the schedule that I was doing I could reasonably lessen burping at around 60% RH and consider the buds ready for long term storage @ 59%. In this scenario waiting to allow fresh air into your jars when they are at 65% could increase the chances for mold. In high 60s I would even let the buds sit in a paper bag for a few hours and then rejar them.

On my last harvest I was out of town between the 2-3 week of curing. I found when I returned (5 days gone) the smell was definitely stronger and reminiscent of ammonia in some of the jars. Emptying out the jars and inspecting them found no evidence of mold so I didn't worry about it more.