Temperature Question


Active Member
I built my box this weekend with 2 45 gallon rubbermaids like I have seen on this forum.

I have 2 x 4" intake fans on the bottom and 2 x 4" exhaust fans on the top back part of the rubbermaids. I am running 7 40 watt CFL's in the box as well.

I do not have any plants in the box right now and also do not have the carbon filters on yet.

My temp at the bottom of the box is running at 75 with 47% humidity and the middle of the box is running at 83. Is this to hot for the plants? If it is to hot would adding another exhaust fan or intake fan be the best thing to do.

Once I get the pictures uploaded I can post them on here.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
I built my box this weekend with 2 45 gallon rubbermaids like I have seen on this forum.

I have 2 x 4" intake fans on the bottom and 2 x 4" exhaust fans on the top back part of the rubbermaids. I am running 7 40 watt CFL's in the box as well.

I do not have any plants in the box right now and also do not have the carbon filters on yet.

My temp at the bottom of the box is running at 75 with 47% humidity and the middle of the box is running at 83. Is this to hot for the plants? If it is to hot would adding another exhaust fan or intake fan be the best thing to do.

Once I get the pictures uploaded I can post them on here.

your humidity is alright, but u wanna keep temps between 72-78.. gives u the best plant growth ..u dont want it past 82 at max...


Active Member
It is in a 2 45 gallon rubbermaids stacked on each other. I am trying not to have anything outside the box connected to it besides the wires.


New Member
i also have two 45 tubs on top of each other....i have more lights though, and an ac unit in the room, and i keep the top lid off when the lights are on, and its still in the 80's, but the plants dont seem to mind at all..


Active Member
Ok thanks Bluntz20 It is hovering around 81 right now but still worried about when I put the carbon filters on will try that tonight to see what happens.