Switching to solventless. Need bubble hash help.

Oh I'm not a huge fan of dabs. Honestly they make me cough so much it's not as enjoyable.

The reason I made qwiso and bho was for the increased strength.

Typically now, when I want to get ridiculously stoned, I'll just eat one of my edibles. Much stronger and last longer then any dab I'll ever take.

Don't give up on dabs yet! Low temp solventless dabs are surprisingly smooth. In fact they have helped heal my lungs and after quitting burning herbs and strictly dabbing for over a year I no longer need to use either of the 2 inhalers I used to use.
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Yup agreed. I actually have to talk myself into NOT pressing my flowers when I run low. Obviously they last longer but dabs are smoother and keep me stoned longer. It's a more pleasant high I think too. Makes me productive and energized. That's strain dependent a lot as wel
What kind of edibles do you make and what process do you use? I'm planning on trying my hand at a hash tincture, maybe some capsules, and doing an e-juice as well but depending on how much I have to play with (will probably use all the trim and sugar leaf, maybe some bud too?) I definitely want to keep some oil or butter on hand. I had a friend who makes Coconut Oil infused: he just slow cooks for like three days. A half o of shake to a tub of oil. It wasn't very potent. Tasted like pot though.

When I make my brownies I use 1oz of sugar trim to 1 stick of butter. I use 2 sticks per batch of brownies and cut them into 2 dozen squares. They are extremely potent, and I recommend starting with a quart of that square.

My process is simple. Decarb material at 220f for 20min, then put material in a crockpot, with butter and water, on low for 6 to 8 hours. Stir throughout the day and watch temps with a thermometer, keep them between 180f to 190ish F. Then strain the material and drain into a bowl or container. Let it sit in the fridge over night so the water and butter seperate. In morning poke hole in butter and drain water, and what's left on top is your usable butter. I cook the Brownies at 250f for around 3 hrs or so.

This process is fool proof and I cannot keep these around. I have heard nothing but overwhelming good reviews. And have heard many hilarious stories from people. It seems they always take more then I recommend, and then tend to do stupid stuff. That's why the stories are so great haha.

If you follow that process then you should have no problems making extremely potent brownies.
Don't give up on dabs yet! Low temp solventless dabs are surprisingly smooth. In fact they have helped heal my lungs and after quitting burning herbs and strictly dabbing for over a year I no longer need to use either of the 2 inhalers I used to use.

I would like to do low temp dabbing and it does help a lot on the cough factor, but I just haven't really wanted to buy the proper equipment. IE new nail and such.
I just use my fingers or lips to judge the temp of my quartz nail after torching it by hovering over it. :) no fancy equip here
I just use my fingers or lips to judge the temp of my quartz nail after torching it by hovering over it. :) no fancy equip here

More talking about a proper nail and cap. I've done lower temps and just used a match book over my dome, works similar but its not proper.
I got a Quartz banger with my first (and for the time being only) only rig and couldn't imagine having anything different. I first bought a big ass propane torch to heat it up and it works great in terms of getting it red hot in a matter of seconds. But this little torch on Amazon:


Is perfect because I can lay it down usually with a grinder on one side or whatever to steady it under the banger while I get the dab all prepped up and now here's the key:

Let it get red hot but don't start dabbing until it slips just under red hot. I usually wait like 2 seconds blow on it twice and go. the smoothest hits...my little rig has two percs tho too that may help. What is your rig like and what kind of nail do you use?

At my local shop they actually gave me the banger to replace the shitty one for like $15 extra and then I got a glass carb cab/dabber all in one that is now a glass carb cap and two small glass Dabbers in three pieces.

I had a question about rosin: my last batch came out super sappy which I think is a good thing because my temps were perfect, yield was higher than usual and I actually got to use my homemade rosin press for the first time it's just not all put together yet.

I've read about leaving rosin in the freezer for up to two days to let it cure and bring out the full flavored? Terps? Hyroot where ya at?
When I make my brownies I use 1oz of sugar trim to 1 stick of butter. I use 2 sticks per batch of brownies and cut them into 2 dozen squares. They are extremely potent, and I recommend starting with a quart of that square.

My process is simple. Decarb material at 220f for 20min, then put material in a crockpot, with butter and water, on low for 6 to 8 hours. Stir throughout the day and watch temps with a thermometer, keep them between 180f to 190ish F. Then strain the material and drain into a bowl or container. Let it sit in the fridge over night so the water and butter seperate. In morning poke hole in butter and drain water, and what's left on top is your usable butter. I cook the Brownies at 250f for around 3 hrs or so.

This process is fool proof and I cannot keep these around. I have heard nothing but overwhelming good reviews. And have heard many hilarious stories from people. It seems they always take more then I recommend, and then tend to do stupid stuff. That's why the stories are so great haha.

If you follow that process then you should have no problems making extremely potent brownies.

Awesome best recipe ice ever seen. Gonna save this to my notepad. Could you give me exact ratios? You said 2 sticks of butter and 1 oz of sugar trim (and to clarify that's only the leaves you take off the actual buds? The rest you can make bubble with?) but then you said material, butter and water...are you referring to the water called for in the mix or is there a certain brownie recipe you use? I fancy myself a bit of a baker I just simply can't justify using a half oz of buds that I pay outrageous SRP for when I require and can't afford what I already do smoke (about an oz a week under perfect conditions) soon however this house won't just be growing fruits and vegetables. we need a better government first ;)
Awesome best recipe ice ever seen. Gonna save this to my notepad. Could you give me exact ratios? You said 2 sticks of butter and 1 oz of sugar trim (and to clarify that's only the leaves you take off the actual buds? The rest you can make bubble with?) but then you said material, butter and water...are you referring to the water called for in the mix or is there a certain brownie recipe you use? I fancy myself a bit of a baker I just simply can't justify using a half oz of buds that I pay outrageous SRP for when I require and can't afford what I already do smoke (about an oz a week under perfect conditions) soon however this house won't just be growing fruits and vegetables. we need a better government first ;)

My exact ratios are 1oz of sugar trim to one stick of butter. My sugar trim is only leaves and small buds covered in trichs. Even the big leaves I cut the blank parts off and the sugar parts are left in the trim.

When I say material butter and water. The trim is the butter. And then you separate the butter and the water.

I cook water and butter and trim in the crock pot. The water takes chlorophyll out, and helps protect the thc from boiling.
My exact ratios are 1oz of sugar trim to one stick of butter. My sugar trim is only leaves and small buds covered in trichs. Even the big leaves I cut the blank parts off and the sugar parts are left in the trim.

When I say material butter and water. The trim is the butter. And then you separate the butter and the water.

I cook water and butter and trim in the crock pot. The water takes chlorophyll out, and helps protect the thc from boiling.

How much water when you put the decarbed trim and stick of butter? Could you do double it? Two oz's of trim and two sticks of butter?
How much water when you put the decarbed trim and stick of butter? Could you do double it? Two oz's of trim and two sticks of butter?

The water is basically there for filler because 2 oz of trim is a large amount to soak into 2 sticks of butter. It also helps to remove chlorophyll and such, gettIng a cleaner tasting butter. You can use as much butter and material as you want for dosing.

I just know from experience and review that my edibles worK extremely well.

The main thing is the decarb. Ive made edibles in the past and they did nothing. When I started to decarb before I infused into butter, it made world's of a difference.
Same. Ok so I'm going to follow your recipe exactly and only do:
1oz trim
1 stick butter
And just fill with about...the same amount of water as butter and trim so like 2 oz of water? Or enough to fill up the decarbed trim and the butter in the crockpot is what I meant to say last time.
no FILL THE POT with water so you can give it a good long simmer. You don't want to run out of water and excess water will be drained
Well you don't need to fill it up, I barely lose any water, especially if you keep the lid on.

I normally just fill it up over the trim so everything is nicely covered and free floating around.

If you do too much you will need a bigger bowl to put in the fridge for separating. And if you're like me and basically don't have a lot of space left in the fridge, I use small glass tupperware. 2 or 3 cups of water with 1 stick of butter and a ounce of trim will be fine.
Yeah that's sounds better. No we are strapped for fridge and kitchen space that's for sure. But we do a lot of cooking.

Is the butter storable for long periods or you make as needed? I would likely use the same butter recipe and try it other things. The main thing is decarbing and cooking under 300°
Yeah that's sounds better. No we are strapped for fridge and kitchen space that's for sure. But we do a lot of cooking.

Is the butter storable for long periods or you make as needed? I would likely use the same butter recipe and try it other things. The main thing is decarbing and cooking under 300°

I've never done research before on storing, but it should be good to store for a long time once the THC is infused. I tend to make as needed. You can always make more and store it if you want.

Yeah the main thing for edibles is temp. With all of the research I've done I've seen a ton of different temps you can cook at, so it's hard to tell what's right or wrong and what's safe or unsafe. I do know that around 300 to 310f is the start of boiling point for some compounds. So I figured if I stay around 250f I'll be perfect. And it has been.
Sounds good. I added all that info to a big note in my phone. It may be awhile before it actually gets used but it will be without a doubt in oh about 90 days hopefully.

Any of the rosin pressers up? This has become kind of a good all in one solventless thread, should I make a new thread? It was yours about bubble originally I don't mean or intend to hijack it from that purpose.
Sounds good. I added all that info to a big note in my phone. It may be awhile before it actually gets used but it will be without a doubt in oh about 90 days hopefully.

Any of the rosin pressers up? This has become kind of a good all in one solventless thread, should I make a new thread? It was yours about bubble originally I don't mean or intend to hijack it from that purpose.

Sounds good man, good luck. You should enjoy it!

Hey no problem I'm learning a lot about other solventless methods so it's all good. Let it be open to all forms.