super sun reflector question


Well-Known Member
i just purchased this super sun reflector that came with attachable 4 in air duct sockets. but on the inside of the reflector theres this square plate thingy that to me will block the air, there is about 3/4" space but i think its going to make the air restricted.
how do i take it off? just snap and break it? cause i tried to see if it can easily come off and it will have to break to come off.
here are some pics



Active Member
Break it. It causing air restriction. lol Yes use it with the glass unless you an expert with HPS.


Well-Known Member
Are those things on legs or attached by two sides? (only two sides open or 4?).

(2*2)3.14159 = 12.566 in sq is your 4" fitting capacity

If those slots are 1x5 that's 10 in sq so that is slight obstruction + the 90 angle shift.

If those slots are on all four sides you might be better leaving them intact. Are you hooking multiple hoods together? What is the cfm of your fan? With a 440cfm fan you are already sucking more air through the hood than necessary so a slight decrease in pressure shouldn't hurt you that bad.


Well-Known Member
4 sides open

400w mh and 600w hps, 4in 170cfm
If all four sides are open there shouldn't be any constriction just a rapid angle change. You could always measure the openings and do the math to make sure of this. I don't think you will have any problems with it but if you do I'd recommend upgrading the fan before breaking the hoods.