Sudden Infestation!! Urgent help please?

Hello good people!

My girl is in the middle of her flowering season. It was all going smoothly until today. One of her flowers seems to have a sudden onset of an infestation. I've already doused her with organic fertiliser. What do you all recommend? Should i cut off that flower, or let it heal?

Hope to hear from some of you really soon!

Thank you in advance. :)

Photos for reference:

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Doesn't look good, huh?
I'll post a bit of information about her, in case any of it helps, along with some photos from 2 days ago. Just to make things clear, only one flower has the infestation. The rest still look fine. And i hope they will be in the morning!!

I am a first time grower. Grew her from seed in mid August. Fed on nothing but pure sunshine, rain, organics, and love, here in the tropics. Early October she showed pre-flowers, and about two weeks later, she started to bloom. The monsoon season started at around the same time, but she seems to be doing fantastically in the heavy rainstorms. It's been a month since. She's now 3.5-4 feet tall (counting from where she exits the soil, not from where the pot sits on the ground). She's from Ceres Seeds, the John Sinclair Sativa 'Trans-Love'.

Info from their website:

- Breed: (Sativa x Indica) x Sativa
- Flowering: 70-75 days
- Yield: 0.9-1.1 gram per Watt of light

I am growing outdoors, so i'm not sure how these numbers apply, but they're here just in case they can help.

For an apparently Sativa dominant strain, she's not that tall. I've noticed that she started growing with what looks to me like more Indica dominant leaves, but since she started flowering, the newer blades are now lanky.



Active Member
It could be bud rot or the start of gray mold, I'm not sure on either but I think its the forth picture looks really bad.


Well-Known Member
i see webbing ( spider mites ?) and bud rot if its 1 bud cut it off for the rot check undersides of leaves with a thirty loupe for mites.


Well-Known Member
Well your outdoors so not many options......cut off the infected areas/ check the weather, if it's raining soon I would spray a natural fungicide(milk/neem oil/baking soda/lime juice pick one and dilute accordingly) also you should defoliate around the buds to allow more air circulation.........good luck
Thank you everyone for the help and suggestions!

I was guessing spider mites. Wasn't sure if the rotting was due to the spider mites, and if getting rid of the pests would allow that section to heal. But i'll be taking your advice and cutting it off!

Thanks again...
Yes, agreed. It's probably rotting. It's not just been raining, it's been monsoon thunderstorms for the past 5 weeks!! And here in the tropics, even when it's not raining, it's very high humidity. But she has been fine all this while. I think what happened was that the webbing, spider mite or otherwise, trapped too much moisture in that flower and caused the rotting. I hope i can eradicate the problem and keep my girl safe...