Suck ups and Toadies.


Well-Known Member
Are there more suck-ups and ass kissers these days?

It seems like there are to me but it might just be anecdotal.

First off, I have been appaled to watch most of the Republican politicians fall in line behind the Trumpists and throw any principles they have away in order to gain the approval of anybody who possesses a modicum of power.

Now I am seeing this on a daily basis at work. The workplace has always been fraught with toadyism so its hard for me to judge whether this is a trend or just the latest mode.

Any thoughts?

Are principles dead?


Well-Known Member
Are there more suck-ups and ass kissers these days?

It seems like there are to me but it might just be anecdotal.

First off, I have been appaled to watch most of the Republican politicians fall in line behind the Trumpists and throw any principles they have away in order to gain the approval of anybody who possesses a modicum of power.

Now I am seeing this on a daily basis at work. The workplace has always been fraught with toadyism so its hard for me to judge whether this is a trend or just the latest mode.

Any thoughts?

Are principles dead?
I will only frequent those places where it's frictionless, drama-free..if there's a hint of tribalism or micro-aggression?

45 has made all of the above okay..he's given them permission to be their worst possible selves.

PS. You aren't the majority if you need to get permission from 10 GOP Senators.
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Well-Known Member
The bumper sticker advertising it's advocates makes for interesting conversation taking the kid to school.

I think the same level of toadyism has always been there, or at least since the 70s/80s. Its what people suck up to that has gotten worse, and the perpetuating environment it creates. Man I can ramble on all sorts of reasons and results, but for big public companies sales are king. You have to make more money than you did before. That creates some obvious issues, but worth noting is the sales team is often who winds up going to the top levels of management, which further entrenches a culture that puts sales first. When they don't win enough business, the rest of the company takes the hit. It's created an environment that is increasingly cut throat, and as people win/lose in that environment it makes it more hostile and competitive going forward. You start to wind up with people that don't have the job skills for what they are in charge of, they just got it by climbing whatever ladder.

That doesn't make a ton of sense when I read it back. Mostly a culture has been created that is self perpetuating and has resulted in leadership coming from one perspective, that spreads and infects the rest of an organization such that all levels of leadership adopt a single mindset even when not appropriate for the task at hand. You end up with someone that has the skills to manage a McDonald's but doesn't know about accounting type stuff overseeing a group of auditors at Arthur Anderson.


Well-Known Member
It all changed with Reagan.

Reagan inherited a Democratic supermajority in congress, and they gave Mr. ”Morning in America” an extended honeymoon before the spousal abuse began in earnest. Midway into The Gypper’s first term, that majority shifted by 9 seats in the Senate & 30 seats in the House. Overthrow party wasn’t out of the shadows yet, but Republicans quickly took control of the institutions themselves and gamed them against their perceived adversaries…and despite shifting majorities since, they’ve maintained that control over Congress to this very day. Gaining pulpit support from Protestant ministers & access to private religious-broadcasting networks allowed them to make those changes and many others since then. It was during the Reagan era that plans were drawn and approved for the creation of an intentionally-partisan fake-news bubble machine, to be called Fox News, and the enrollment of talk-radio giants like ClearChannel to the role of keeping the explicitly partisan bombardment going outside the news cycle.

The rest, they say, is history.


Well-Known Member
I think it was more of a cultural shift rather than just a political group and/or their media influence. Greed became good. The politicians and media were a product of that, not yet the cause.


Ursus marijanus
I think it was more of a cultural shift rather than just a political group and/or their media influence. Greed became good. The politicians and media were a product of that, not yet the cause.
I believe the cultural shift is a consequence of the politicoeconomic shift and not vice versa. Greed was empowered by voodoo economics (which concentrated wealth onto Wall Street) and various deregulations (which enabled the big players to emulate the robber barons of a century previous).


Well-Known Member
Are there more suck-ups and ass kissers these days?

It seems like there are to me but it might just be anecdotal.

First off, I have been appaled to watch most of the Republican politicians fall in line behind the Trumpists and throw any principles they have away in order to gain the approval of anybody who possesses a modicum of power.

Now I am seeing this on a daily basis at work. The workplace has always been fraught with toadyism so its hard for me to judge whether this is a trend or just the latest mode.

Any thoughts?

Are principles dead?
Management by fear became a trend a couple of decades back, along with management by psychopath, such people are deliberately chosen for their "leadership" qualities. They will generally do anything they are told to do without question, no matter how unethical or immoral. All bullies have a gang and any organization headed by one will soon have a gang mentality too and be just as criminal, if they figure they can get away with it.


Well-Known Member
I worked with a bully on the Saipan. His name was Pace, but we all called him Bulkhead. He was a big strong fucker and would suckup to anyone of higher rank and kick down at everyone else. He used pain and then the fear of pain to get his way.

On rainy mornings we would muster in the power shop (everything related to 220v as compared to 110v for the light shop) instead of the flight deck, so the first ones in could sit on the work benches and cabinets. One day he came in late and tried to move me from the cabinet by squeezing my kneecaps. I tried bouncing a large crescent wrench off his head but he ducked and it hit the oven with a loud bang. The electrical officer said, "Larry don't dent the Bulkhead," and kept on with the rest of his morning briefing without missing a beat.

I think large institutional organizations tend to attract this kind of behavior. Everyone knows where everyone else is in the pecking order.

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
It's always been around of cause but the newer generations require more peer approval and "likes" than older generations have done. They are more delicate and get offended more easily and therefore tend to suck up to be a member of what they see as "their" group. They are scared to put their head up just in case it attracts attention and gets shot at.
They lack balls and self worth.


Well-Known Member
Obviously my stature in society is diminishing. I’ve noticed fewer and fewer people are attempting to kiss my ass as the years pass.
Retirement does a lot to reduce the issue, if ya walk out the door, shake the dust off yer feet and never look back. The friends stick around, the ass kissers move on to fresh asses. It is their curse, to live with their snouts in an ass crack, not knowing any better.