Stunted Plant


Active Member
I've got a plant thats 11 weeks old... only about 4 inches tall.

It's in soil... south facing patio. It gets a full days sun.

Fertilized once a week with Humbolt 3-1-3.

Any thoughts?
Which strain is this that's growing slow? That's awfully short for that time. I've had some stragglers but it wasn't ever that bad really. Are you giving it ample water? I live in MO and it gets in the lower 90's here and very humid.. had to water my plant twice a day because it dried up quite fast.


Well-Known Member
well when i had a batch of plants like that it was when i had just moved across the state and the tap water i was giving them was so hard they just stopped growing at like three inches. thats just what happened with me though. if you dont already you should feed your plants distilled water only


Well-Known Member
What's the strain?
What size pot is it in?
When did you start fertilizer/nutrients?
What nutrients and fertilizer does it get?
Did you start it in a puck or a biodegradable pot?
What is your soil mix?


Active Member

To add some info:

1. The pot is a 2 gallon;

2. In Arizona;

3. Soil is Foxfarm seed starter w/ extra perlite and blood meal mixed in;

4. Strain is skunk x kush;

5. Watered every morning and afternoon about 12 oz each time

6. Fertilized 1x a week


Well-Known Member

To add some info:

1. The pot is a 2 gallon;

2. In Arizona;

3. Soil is Foxfarm seed starter w/ extra perlite and blood meal mixed in;

4. Strain is skunk x kush;

5. Watered every morning and afternoon about 12 oz each time

6. Fertilized 1x a week
I agree with buzzn, you should start over with another plant. Possibly, you just got a freaky phenome that was destined to be microscopic. Happened to me once, and when I saw that it wasn't going to get over a few inches tall, I just euthanized it and dropped another seed.

Watering as often as you do is not a good idea, in my opinion. I know that it gets hot and dry in much of Az, but once a plant gets past the seedling stage, it is usually best to water until there is some run off from the bottom of the pot, and then don't water again until the soil is bone dry to two inches down. I never water my plants (indoor or outdoor) more than once a week, if they are past seedling stage. But for the first week from seed, I water a little each day. Then every other day for a few days. Then, the plant goes into the pot I will flower it in. I water it then, pouring water near the inside walls of the pot rather than directly on the base of the plant. This until water runs out the holes in the bottom of the pot, and not again until the soil is dry to about 2 inches down, which is usually a 7-10 days.

Also, I am not familiar with the fertilizer you use, but is often suggested by experienced growers on these forums to use only a third of what the label suggests to fertilize with.

Here is a link to a page that might help. It is simple and straightforward.

Anyways, good luck in the future, and if you like it, then stick with it. It will be good to you, if you don't get caught. :)


Well-Known Member
im surprised we didnt think of asking this earlier, how bushy is it? is it just its short thats the problem? is the canopy and size looking alright? like i said up top and everyone else has agreed- start over, but i wouldnt get rid of the one ya got just wait and see what happens. just start putting almost all of your time/energy into your new plant.