Strong stock? Bushy?Plant strengthening.


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Everyone Medicate Before Reading It's More Interesting

I wanted to open a thread on taking any different:sativa,indica,short,dense,airy,skinny,tall,wide plant and list ways to strengthen your plants,and in doing so grant yourself a greater yeild. This is also for growing average tall lengthy sativa's/indica's and making them smaller with bigger branching/stalk,etc. by anyway necessary. To start I would like to list a few ways; Pinching the branches from about half way up each branch,this will cause your branches and main stock where you pinched to become strong and hard to reinforce those areas that got damaged,also stress will cause slowing of foliar growth and stalk seems to swell as an observation i've made over several grows. Foliar feeding causes the leaves to wilt from weight also strenghthening the joints of where the fan leave and branch start, as well as making your stems,plant swell more. Pulling those big and medium sized fan leaves will give light to those nodes that were covered previously, causing more of those bottom branches to start growing more. Obviously fans blowing over your plants strengthens it abundantly, so good air flow is important. I've mostly done hydro so what I know is mostly given here based on the application of that. If anyone would like to add a few tecniques they have used to get those huge stalk's and stems,well you know. I medicated,so if their is a lot of mumbo jumbo in here I apologize,haha. scenery pics 018.jpg


Active Member
Their must be a lot of threads like this because none have posted loL. I just made this thread because a lot of people are unaware of growing those strong shorter wider plants to create bigger yeilds by slower growing. I didn't list all the tecniques I knew for strengthening your girls,I figured someone else might have something to offer. If you do dont hesitate. Goodluck on your grows.