strange colored leaves during flowering

oh and my set up.

36- 5 gal buckets in two seperate 3x6 rows (same room)
running hydroton with Hydro farm nutes
air stone w/sub pump w/tubing etc
55 gallon res (filled to 40-45 gals)
2- 1000 lights 1- 1.5 feet above plants
all walls sealed with reflective white mylar.

heres where im at,
10 lavender plants. started flowering the 5th of april 2010. and its been going good but now ive got these wierd colored leaves. got a mite problem in the process of getting rid of em. any ideas on why the leave would be doing this? i just put the aggressive bloom nutes in today. they were 5 days late. maybe thats it? let me know:weed:

attached are some photos. there arnt that many leaves liek this just some. so im concernedd




Active Member
looks heat related, were you giving it any nutes befor the five day late dose? How hot does it get in your grow area? The leaf that seems to be draining of color, was it from lower on the plant?


Well-Known Member
pics 2 and 8 look like the leaves got burned by the lights. Most of the other ones look like nute burn except for pic 9 which looks like a def of some kind. Whats your ppm's like?
ppms are around 1500 and the nutes were in the water just it was past due to do a full res change and new stronger and different nutes.

it get 75 to 80 in there. its vented thru the ceiling into an attic with a high powered fan with tubing