Stealth LED Array light .

Model SDS-V-2014 ( " Stealth " ) is almost finished ....
(A tad of paintjob left ...)



And now the "space"-"grow-area" that this light was made for ,first hand ...
33 inches wide x 22 inches deep ( ~ 5 sq feet , ~33 W/sqft at 2100mA )
A closet ...



High ...Fashion .....:bigjoint:

And of course a D.I.Y. active carbon filter ,to go with ...
(Actually,it used to be an truck engine oil filter ....:P...)


Cheers ..
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Setting the driving range :



Spec at max ( 2200mA / Tc= 50°C)

( From a 430 W Agro ,Rad efficiency is 30% ( .3 or 300mW/W ) .

-CXA3070 AB bin ,has just a bit better efficiency at 2.2A ,than a plant growth -oriented HPS.

-Does the better light quality from CXA 3000K has to be mentioned ,also ?

-Should we talk about the safety ? (HPS inside a wooden closet ?No-no-no ...)

-About the total cost of built ?
(Less than the price of an average quality digital HID ballast ....)

-The service life and 'stability' of performance ?

Bravo! Another work of art!

Did you achieve your goal of making a quieter light? Are you going to post a video?


Well Mo,actually I do not own a camera ,or a compact digital photo camera that has video shoot function..
(only my trusty Olympus SLR .)
Still,I've managed to shoot a vid-specially for ya ! :P -using my laptop's build in ,web camera.
Most of vid's ambient sound is comin' from the laptop's fan ....:cry:..
Still ,I think you'll get a rough idea..
In real,the fixture is more stealth -regarding noise/sound ,than stealth itself !!!

The only thing ,I can actually hear,is the 'hissing-whistling' of drivers being dimmed !

You put a knight rider light. :mrgreen:

It's the little things..:peace:

I want a black one with the light on the front..
Actually "Knight Rider " leds go :
Vooozh >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

This is not a KR ...
It's a 'chaser " .
It goes only one direction :

And actually ,is a fan speed tachometer .
It would change freq of 'chasing' ,if the fan 's speed was adjustable.
Now,it serves as "FAN OK " indicating light .

Details ,sometimes ,make the whole difference ...
( But that "led chaser" ain't one of 'em ..I just like it more ,than just having a 'constant ON " indicating led ..)

A lovely job, if only I was so talented. Mine look like an electrical nightmare.

Not any special talent,here ..
Trust me on that .
Give 101% of self to make dreams become reality .
Come to think more about it ...
Actually ,is everybody's power.

To explore .
To learn.
To create.

Only difference is the level of awareness of such power
and the commitment to dreams ...

Kinda of poetic,maybe ?

Nevertheless ,remains a hard fact and a solid truth ...

Not any special talent,here ..
Trust me on that .
Give 101% of self to make dreams become reality .
Come to think more about it ...
Actually ,is everybody's power.

To explore .
To learn.
To create.

Only difference is the level of awareness of such power
and the commitment to dreams ...

Kinda of poetic,maybe ?

Nevertheless ,remains a hard fact and a solid truth ...

I STARTED JUST TO BUILD A GOOD LIGHT THAT WORK'S, NOW I'M THINKING LOOKS AFTER THE FACT. Maybe I'll try to beautify for my next project. I will eventually upgrade to new cobs when they come out with CXA BADASS.
I STARTED JUST TO BUILD A GOOD LIGHT THAT WORK'S, NOW I'M THINKING LOOKS AFTER THE FACT. Maybe I'll try to beautify for my next project. I will eventually upgrade to new cobs when they come out with CXA BADASS.

Yeap ....Usually ,that's the way " it " begins ...

Personal first -'working'- LED build ...
Spring 2012..(posted on RIU at Sept. 2012 )
Sure ,not much quality ,there ..
But it worked ...enough ,at least ....:P....
(640 nm -NW 5000K 70CRI- WW 3000K 80CRI ,all cheap 8mm plastic cased ,
22-24W per panel.Plant shown is under ~70 W )

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