!st time keeping Mother: lighting help please


Well-Known Member
High there. I currently have my plants in veg under 1000w MH. I grew from fem. seeds. I want to keep 2 plants back for taking clones and put the rest in flowering. My question is should I keep the mother plants in 1000w, or should they be moved under something less like 400w or flors. I have both these extra lights...last time I cut clones I killed the mother...but I don't know if it was the lighting. Any info be great..thanks. If It matters I grow in hydro flood/drain.


1000 is too strong, put to 400-600 MH,,,when i first started i grew with shop floro's, very low watts..i wouldn't now, 1000 watts is best for bloom in HPS


Well-Known Member
Sounds good..thanks. I'm trying to get started on some serious cloning, I might try and keep 4 mothers, and take 4 clones at a time to start. The 400w will work good then, thanks again.