Spray Paint Toxic? Do nutes go bad? getting desperate...


Active Member
i am having an insaine time trying to figure out what is going wrong. My plants appear to be suffering from what looks like potasium deficiency... I have completely changed the rez twice now.

the stats of the grow are :
Using DWC method
Using Flora Nova Grow nutes
1000 ppm on the bigger plants and
500 ppm on the new clones.
Rez temps from 70-75.
Tent temps from 70-80
pH in the 5.5-5.8 range on both.
Each tote has a 700 air pump with 2 x 5" disc air stones each.
growth is somewhat slow but steady..

the problems are:

wrinkling leaves
the leaves yellowing all around the edges of each leaf, with dark green veins...
they are papery thin, not strong.

possible other factors since it just doesnt seem to be anything normal:

i have a large 2.5 gallon jug of the Flora Nova Grow nutes that i bought 6+ months ago. Is it possible for nutes to go bad from other factors? Age / heat / whatever?

i have been growing for a few years with Waterfarm single unit in a 4x4 tents. Everything has been fine and i have been growing big bushy plants that max out the root zone in the bucket, so i figured id try some bigger buckets to give the roots more room. I got these 27 gallon strong totes to use off a recommendation here.. It was also recommended to paint the yellow tops with a black coat (to keep the rez dark) and a white top coat to reflect the lights.

Is it possible the Rustoleum spray paint i used for the top (that does get wet) is leaching into the rez and some how making things toxic for the plants?

Chem-4 from dispensary clones

Nirvana AK-48 from seed.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
It is possible the paint can give rsidual fumes off when it gets warmed.I have seen many people have issues with the floral nutes they are cheap and you usually need to make sure you have your micro nutes on hand to balance them. Are you useing RO water or tap water? Just the led lighting?Are the roots constantly being soaked or is it on a timer so they get some time to air?Good air movement and exchange in the grow area?


Active Member
its good tap water, i live outside seattle.

and its flora Nova grow nutes, theres no mixing 3 parts etc... just 1 part.

i have a recycler pump on for 15mins off for 2 hours, but mainly the roots just sit in the water 24x7 with the air stones.. dwc style etc.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Seems like a Mag deficiency from looks. Heres some info...
Solution to fixing a Magnesium deficiency
Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have Magnesium in them will fix a Magnesium deficiency. (Only mixing at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients or it will cause nutrient burn!)
Other nutrients that have magnesium in them are: Epsom salts, which is fast absorption. Dolomite lime and or garden lime (same thing just called different) which is slow absorption. Sulfate of Potash, Magnesia which is medium absorption. Worm Castings, which is slow absorption. Crabshell which is slow absorption. Earth Juice Mircoblast, which is fast acting. (a must buy!! Has lots of 2ndary nutrients).
Now if you added to much chemical nutrients and or organics,( which is hard to burn your plants when using organics) You need to Flush the soil with plain water. You need to use 2 times as much water as the size of the pot, for example: If you have a 5 gallon pot and need to flush it, you need to use 10 gallons of water to rinse out the soil good enough to get rid of excessive nutrients.



Active Member
i do have some CalMag i could add, but i read too much calcium can lockout potassium.

if it is indeed magnesium def, should i add some and let the pH go up to 6+?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
if you go with the mag then Id add it and put the ph at 5.8 if it was me.In like 3-5 dsays you ll see an improvement if not might be locked and need a rinse with a clearer like foxfarm sledgehammer


I called General Hydroponics the other day with the same question about expired nutes. And he said they have a shelf life of 3-5 years. But be sure to shake em up real good before you use them.


Active Member
i had an idea of trying some Coconut water (which is very high in potassium) before going with a big dose of Cal-Mag, and after just a day things seem a little bit better /shrug
who knows

managed to get up before the lights came on ;)


Well-Known Member
I know that organic nutes will like hiss like a soda when you open them...I assume that when they stop doing that they are no longer good...as for any others I would think they should last awhile.

Usually you only get a mag deficiency if you are using RO or distilled water, or it is locked up by something else being too high...so there is something to think about...is it possible that with the bigger rez your ratios might be off in a way they weren't before? Because I mean everything sounds fine, and by that last pic the plants look much better...so...I guess just keep us posted...


Active Member
this are lookin better in general, i dont really have an explanation except (aside from the coconut water) the usual with mmj... just do nothing and it will fix itself heh.
Chem-4 clones are still a bit week, not sure if im gonna bother keeping the left one.
