Sporadic Bud growth


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever had a plant the has buds that wont cluster together instead they are growing sporadically outward , one of my plants is doing this I think maybe its a hermie but im not sure I dont see any definite balls on her but the buds just arent clustering , please help ive searched everywhere and cant find a answere . These are some pics , the last one is how all the rest look , you know normal ,



Well-Known Member
pics are too blurry for me to identify any balls, what kind of lighting are you using? and how far away is the light also what nutes are you giving it and what strain? it could be a lot of different things


Well-Known Member
400 watt hps , this is my tallest plant so ive had to keep it very close to the light or my other shorter plants wouldnt get any, about 4 inches away , its , California skunk , its 95 % Sativa , my only concern is why non of the others look like this , I dont really see any balls either and about 20% of the hairs have turn red now


Well-Known Member
probably because its a pure sativa, its not going to give tight buds like an indica how far in to flowering are you?


Well-Known Member
by looking at the buds you still have atleast 4 - 6 weeks to go so it will probably fatten up much more


Well-Known Member
been flowering 5 weeks now , i just looked real close at it and it appears there may be small pods with red hairs coming out , would that mean hermie?


Well-Known Member
no, those small things with red hairs coming out are calyxes i personally cant see any pods, if its 95% sativa flowering time is probably closer to 10-12 weeks, meaning you have 5-7 weeks to go, and alot more fattenning up of buds to happen, i wouldnt worry, your real early in, most of the weight goes in at the end, they are gonna get bigger, sativas flower late, i wouldnt worry.. just let her grow.. also check the faqs and make some homemade co2, and add mollassess once a week, that will definatley aide in your final weight..


Well-Known Member
nice I guess im just buggin out because she looks so diff then the others, calyxs huh good i thought they were pods that had opened and thats why they had red hairs comin out , I took her out of the closet guess I should put her back , Some one told me once that the pods could be hidden in the bud , but would I be able to deff tell , i have been lookin at all the pics I can find of male pods and I dont seem to have anything that resembles it


Well-Known Member
Hye ralphie , have you ever seen a plant tho where the buds are growing outward like mine? I have seen alot of pics but none like mine


Sector 5 Moderator
Looks very normal for a sativia plant. We found one that was near 12' tall one time. We tried "yanking" a limb off "for testing" and discovered why it makes really good rope; you can't break off a limb from these.


Well-Known Member
k good , y do you think its growing diff then all the others , i mean it is my tallest plant its about 4 ft , maybe thats y ? the rest are between 2 and 3 ft