somebody please identify this problem!

i had this posted in another section but realized it fits more in here.
can somebody please telll me what this is and how i can fix it?? it started at the bottom and is spreading upward pretty fast. the weird thing is itts only happening to one of the plants. the other one has slight drooping and seems to have grown out of the light twisted leaves and is doing great now. just recently flushed the problem pant with 6.5ish ph water to try and help if its a lockout due to high ph? they both have been watered with 7 ph tap water using the tube test indicator drops. im still watering the healthy looking plant with 7ph tap because it doesnt seem to be negatively affecting it at all. both planted in ff happy frog & perlite in 16oz solo cups. transplanted to geopots with ffof & happy forg & perlite 8x 30 watt cfl. 2 of which are 2700k the rest all 6500k 2000 lumens each. plants are exactly 18 days old. gonna be flipping to 12/12 in 3 days and would really like to get this plant back on track for that.

I haven't fed it at all yet. Just whatevers in the soil. Also I don't think it has to do with the light distance because I have the lights closer to the plant next to it and that one doesn't have any of the same problems. Its a mystery to me man. Cant seem to figure it out


Well-Known Member
I haven't fed it at all yet. Just whatevers in the soil. Also I don't think it has to do with the light distance because I have the lights closer to the plant next to it and that one doesn't have any of the same problems. Its a mystery to me man. Cant seem to figure it out
Ive never encountered that with jist water in ffof. Cant help ya man.clooks like some type of grower error to me but idk.
could it be bad seeds? The one with the problems is a world of seeds strawberry blue that were free. Haven't heard good things about them but this was supposed to be a practice run anyway as this is my first grow that I've actually put effort into. The problem plant is feminized and the one doing great isn't so I'm a little worried that if this one dies and the other turns out to be male Il be completely out of any sort of yield. Sheeeeiiiitttt man. Hopefully someone on here has gone threw a similar problem and can give me an answer. I appreciate u trying though!
you say it could be nute burn. maybe its more senstive then the other and the ffof is burning it? Which hopefully means itll grow out of it. ive been driving myself mad with all nighters researching and looking for answers but i cant even find a picture of a smiliar plant problem


New Member
i see a fan in your pictures and it looks like a fixed one. therefore it could be windburn which means the air is blowing constantly on an area of the leaves and they dry out because they loose to much moisture. my advice is to use an moving fan.
just a guess
the fans are barely moving the plants. They're aimed up to blow air at the cfls to push the heat up. And again the plant sitting right next to it has had the same enviroment from the start so I feel like it would be affecting both the same way. Also the problem is starting from bottom older leaves and spreading up the plant. Does wind burn affect plants like that??? Nothing seems to match up with what I got goin on
I did a light flush one or 2 days ago with 6.5 water instead of the usual 7. So if it was a ph caused lockout maybe this will help. Does anyone know how long it would take to start seeing improvent if that was the problem?? It seems to still be getting worse at the moment. But at the same time the other plant has been watered with 7ph from the start and the only problem was some light twisting on the leaves in the first week. My head is goin in circles with this one guys -___-


New Member
I did a light flush one or 2 days ago with 6.5 water instead of the usual 7. So if it was a ph caused lockout maybe this will help. Does anyone know how long it would take to start seeing improvent if that was the problem?? It seems to still be getting worse at the moment. But at the same time the other plant has been watered with 7ph from the start and the only problem was some light twisting on the leaves in the first week. My head is goin in circles with this one guys -___-
i think ph 6,5 is perfectly ok in soil, as i stated may the fan is the problem. is the fan constantly blowing air on the plants ?
i think ph 6,5 is perfectly ok in soil, as i stated may the fan is the problem. is the fan constantly blowing air on the plants ?
ya man look at the post before the one u quoted me in. They are constantly running but there aimed over the plants at the lights so the plants are barely even moving with how they're set up. So kinda yes and no to answer that question lol. I cant find a 6in oscillating fan anywhere so this is the best I can do for fans


Well-Known Member
I think it looks like mg Def tbh if ur ph ok

I get this with young plants in dwc starts at the 1st single leaf set then spreads up fans till new growth comes through pale it happened to me when my rh dropped low temperature got to 28c rh 20 and that caused it so it may be a burn or mg late progression imo.

Lowering my ppm and adding a Lil mg sulphate cleared it up 4 me
my rh seems to be steadily at 27% unless its raining outside. And my temps seem to top off at 82f so our conditions are pretty much the same. Also it started on first leaves and is just now new growth is pale and stunted while the deficiency continues to spread. What confuses me is why the plant sitting right next to it doesn't have any of these problems even though its same soil and water source. So doesn't that mean that there is mg available? Especially since I just transplanted into fresh soil? Will anything in the fox farms trio work for mg? That's all I've got for nutes
also, will this kill the plant? or just affect the yield alot? I'm praying my afghani is a female so Il at least get one good pull out of this grow


Well-Known Member
all plants are different and will take different strength feeds so now u mention our climate is similar I would think burn locking out mg and a few others and the reason the big plant can take it is because it can lol

Edit looked at leafs again and would say nutes burn caused by low rh high temp and wind notice how the leaf near the fan looks the worst bit affected witch would make sense as it would transpire more due to the wind
sooo what do you think the best solution would be? I don't have much choice with RH because I have a humidifer aimed at my passive intake and it still won't budge over 28% unless its humid outside and I could leave the tent open a bit to lower temps. What should be my goal temperature? 75?? I assume once this is corrected the new growth will be healthier. That all foes make sense cause the problem plant is right next to the intake so it must be getting more wind then the other

phil k

Well-Known Member
what kind of soil is it in? you say you haven't added nutrients .. and your ph is on point... if it was a chemical burn it would have other signs... but it does look to be responding to a "hot soil"... they generally produce that burn but stuff like ocean forest carries so much salt that when young plants come into contact with it they actually can become salt burned.. and your plant definitely shows that.. the leaves look very brittle and dry.. is it in a mixture of ocean forest?

phil k

Well-Known Member
thats your issue... your going to be okay

what you need to pay attention to is all your upper new growth they look healthy so maybe they came in contact with a high nute portion of the soil and are now adjusted... all your fresh new stuff looks hardy and good...