soil recipe


Well-Known Member
can i please here what some of you people are adding to your soil?
i plan to buy everything tomorrow, any help is appreciated.
im planning on FF, 50% perlite and i have some 6-6-5 8%ca granular grow formula plant food.
i also have budswell 0-7-0, its seabird and bat guano and earthworm castings. can all of this get mixed together and can your suggest anything else?:joint:

justa hobby

can i please here what some of you people are adding to your soil?
i plan to buy everything tomorrow, any help is appreciated.
im planning on FF, 50% perlite and i have some 6-6-5 8%ca granular grow formula plant food.
i also have budswell 0-7-0, its seabird and bat guano and earthworm castings. can all of this get mixed together and can your suggest anything else?:joint:

first grow? if your using fox farms cut with perlite you should be good. theres lots of nutes in the soil for the babies
forget the other cept soil and pertlite go with roots organics or basement mix coco no perlite needed and jacks classic bloom booster all u need after nutes run out dirt or coco works great flush atleast 14 days peace in my opionion is what id do take care best wishes plus rep


Well-Known Member
dam i couldnt get a reply that night so i ended up mixing
pro mix 40%
perlie 40%
earthwarmcasting 20%
also some lime blood meal and kelp.