
i usually feed mine starting at 1/8 strength then go to 1/4, 1/2,3/4 then max strength an i use no more than 1 tsp most of the time. i also only feed every other watering after i press on the soil and its pretty dry to the touch and top soil is dry and flakey then when doses increase i go after every 2 waterings then after 1/2 strength i only feed once at every 4th or 5th watering all the way up to 3/4 to max strength. add dolomite lime to soil to bring up water run off ph if needed because adding nutes tends to lower soil ph and increase acidity over time. also if you get a little burn any time flush them with 3X the amount of your soil container slowly to get rid of the over fert and salt build up that may be present then water again after dirt becomes very dry after pressing on it and next watering resume next dosage down from last dosage and stay there till harvest time! hope this helps.