So The ladys Are PISSED


I got a 6 plant MMJ Grow

1 healthy jack the ripper
1 healthy unknown purp
1 healthy sour grape clone

1 ok headband
1ok mazar sharif
1 ok sour grape

Im thinking my issue is over firt... heat stress and possible overwatering..



Active Member
I got a 6 plant MMJ Grow

1 healthy jack the ripper
1 healthy unknown purp
1 healthy sour grape clone

1 ok headband
1ok mazar sharif
1 ok sour grape

Im thinking my issue is over firt... heat stress and possible overwatering..

pictures??? and all the information you can give on their life up to now would be helpful, cant say anything on what you given so far.


Active Member
I got a 6 plant MMJ Grow

1 healthy jack the ripper
1 healthy unknown purp
1 healthy sour grape clone

1 ok headband
1ok mazar sharif
1 ok sour grape

Im thinking my issue is over firt... heat stress and possible overwatering..

Wow man, please post pictures if you are not even gonna be specific about what your asking. Your question was "ideas?".


Active Member
Well if the computer would work... lol:-?

I got it.. apologys for the delay..

Ah I see. :hug:

Looks like overwatering or nute burn. How often do you water? Are you feeding? Do you check pH? What kind of soil? What kind of nutes if you are feeding?